Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kanhaji, I know that I need to trust You more

Kanhaji I dont know why I've been so restless lately. Its almost like I cant relax and definitely like I cant concentrate properly. I'm hoping that some time off from the real world and the realities that come with it - in the form of a mini-vacation will help me significantly.
Kanhaji, I'm sorry that I haven't been placing my full trust in You. I dont know why I keep thinking about a million and one possibilities and keep forgetting to count my awesome blessings that You have given to me.
Just now I was watching some old pictures of me and I have changed so very much now - I can hardly believe it! Thank You for the amazing changes You brought to me and thank You for Your love and protection always - even when I am not fully doing my duties.
Kanhaji, please grant me the strength I need to move on in my life and to be able to combine working hard and playing hard.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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