Monday, September 13, 2010

Kanhaji, I want things to work

Kanhaji, there are certain things going on in my life right now that I want to work out. Can you please help me? I know that You know what they are and I know that You know what is in the hearts of everyone reading this blog as well. Please help us all to either realize what we want or to understand why its not right for us.
Sometimes I compare my life to that of others around me and I just feel so unaccomplished. I know its not true and they may say the same when they look at my life because we are accomplished at different things and in different ways. But, Kanhaji sometimes I just wish that I could find what I was looking for, for years on end...Happiness.
I know that most of the time I am happy, but I mean completely happy, unconditionally. Like the happiness described in films and books.
Kanhaji, I know You will think that I am being ungrateful and unrealistic since You have given me so very much in life and today I havent even thanked you once, I've only gripe about wanting more.
Kanhaji, please forgive me for doing this and I do want to thank You for being the strength in my life and for giving me peace and happiness. Thank You for showing me that things can go right even when some things are going wrong.
Please help me to be more devout in the future.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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