Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to express myself

Expressing oneself isn't always an easy task - sometimes its very difficult to find the right words to say, to write, to communicate. This is why people always say that you should think twice before you speak and three times before you write something down. I agree with this in theory and I say in theory because the focus of this blog for me has been about writing the first thing that comes to my mind within the framework of my theme for that day. This is what I do but I sometimes edit some of my words or even the theme I have chosen!
I guess that's no surprise for anyone reading this blog since anyone who has ever written before knows that editing is one of the key aspects of writing.
Whenever I find that words fail me I ask Kanhaji for help. Sometimes I realize that I have expressed myself poorly and have therefore succeeded in offending someone dear to me. At times like that I get very upset and I think that next time I will try harder to do and say the right things around that person.
Kanhaji always helps me when I ask Him to and even now, He is guiding my words so that I can say what I want to in a concise and coherent (I hope!) manner.
I know that in this post I didnt say anything really about creative expression and that has been an error of omission on my part since creative expression really is therapeutic. I myself like writing and dancing. These are the two major ways I express myself when I am happy or even when I am sad. Kanhaji always played the bansuri, which is what I showed in the picture here today. For all who choose music as their form of expression, you understand the healing power - I myself have never really grasped music as easily as others but I do not think I will ever stop trying to learn to play a musical instrument. Maybe one day I will be as good at it as Kanhaji was at playing His bansuri.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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