Friday, September 3, 2010

Kanhaji gives me what I need

Sometimes I feel that things in my life are not happening on time - not the way I want them to or when I want them to. And then something changes in the future and I realize that the timing was exactly right. Kanhaji always does that - He gives us exactly what we need when we need it and even if we can't always see it easily - He is always giving us these things at exactly the right time for us.
I look around at my friends and I see some people unhappy with their lives - others are happy with their lives. And I realize that those who are happy have accepted the way that things are and have tried to make the best of it - they have allowed themselves to be happy in spite of disappointments and trials and pain and fears.
This is because they trust in Kanhaji and I have to say that I hope that one day I will be able to fully trust everything that He does for me because sometimes I find myself still wondering about alternate endings to certain points in my life.
Kanhaji, thank You for always sending me the right things at the right times.
I felt that the picture with Kanhaji offering us laddoos was the most appropriate because it shows that He is giving us His blessings all the time - even if we dont recognize it!
Jai Shri Krishna!

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