Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to deal

In general there are times in our lives when we need a little bit of help dealing with the situation. At those times, Kanhaji is there to provide His support and love to us. He is the one who is always with us - now and forever. He will always take care of us and always love us. This I know with absolute certainty because He does it for me all the time. He always finds some way to cheer me up when I'm down and a little bit sad about something. He helps me to find a way to forget the sorrow and to move on to better things in life.
Kanhaji helps me to realize that when things dont go the way I planned - there's a reason for that. Kanhaji gives me challenges that I have to face in order to become a better, stronger person and someone who recognizes what core values are and stands by them. For sure I face temptations to do what is popular and follow the crowd but Kanhaji always sends me little reminders - in the form of words of wisdom in emails from some religious organization, in the form of kind and very comforting words from a friend, in the form of His divine presence that shines in my life all the time.
I can always turn to Him and that is something I would never trade for all the gold and diamonds in the world.
I hope that you all feel the same way about Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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