Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kanhaji protects me...always

When we hear the word 'protection' or even 'protect' we automatically think 'from harm'. But the truth is a lot of the time the protection that Kanhaji has to do for us, comes from ourselves. Kanhaji protects us from harming ourselves a lot of the time and I'm not talking about physical harm strictly, though this does happen and Kanhaji does help those people as well. I'm talking specifically about emotional harm and turmoil.
Sometimes when something bad happens in our lives we tend to harp on it - rethink the situation, what we could have done differently, what we should have said or did or not said or not did, how we should have behaved, who we should have spoken to. All of these things affect us. Harping affects us negatively because it erodes on our self esteem when we start to think of all the wrongs that we did (well, we usually perceive it as wrongs that we did even if this may not be true).
Kanhaji reminds us that other things in our lives are great - and that these thing are also attributable to us - happy things happening around us help us and make us feel better. Kanhaji may send a story, a poem, a friend to us to help us talk things through and realize that what happened really was for the best. In dire situations Kanhaji will send us professional help - in the form of a counsellor or someone skilled in a particular area.
I know that whatever happens in my life - good or bad - Kanhaji will always be there for me. He will always guide me and always protect me. Kanhaji loves me and I know that will not change, no matter what else happens in my life now and in the future. This is the one thing I can be sure of.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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