Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kanhaji always opens new doors

When one door closes in your life - Kanhaji always opens another one, or another few! I found this happening to me recently and I just wanted to tell people not to despair when they think that things are going badly in their lives and the doors have closed on them. Kanhaji will always provide a solution - something that will suit us better than what we were longing for.
Kanhaji is all-knowing and all-seeing and He sees problems that may have occurred in our lives long in advance of us thinking of them even. He is the only one who knows what is truly best for us in the long run. He wants us to be happy and so He will take us along the path that will make us happy.
I truly believe that every experience in life makes you learn something - even if its something cynical like 'never trust people' and I still think I haven't reached that stage. Instead my motto is more like 'be cautious of who you trust' because you eventually have to trust some people and so the thing to do is to pray to Kanhaji and ask that He guide you so that your trust will be put only in the right person.
Kanhaji, I want to thank You for closing the doors that weren't right for me and for opening the ones that will lead me to my ultimate destination - with You by my side.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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