Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kanhaji, You always help me to maintain control

I know that many people the world over testify to the power of meditation and I know that it's true. Meditating takes your mind off the bad and brings you to the good. Kanhaji, I know for sure that talking to You and interacting with You throughout the day is a good thing for me because at times when I need Your training, Your teaching, Your power the most, it works out. You are always with me - every day in every way and I am not afraid to show You my thoughts, my actions, my words, my deeds. I want to be able to feed You soon. I heard that murtis are accepting milk all over and I want to be able to feed You with my own two hands. Kanha, will You accept my offering?
Kanhaji, I want to thank You for helping me to make decisions borne out of control and thought rather than those borne out of haste and negative behaviour. Many times I have seen that You have punished those who do wrong and rewarded those who do right. I dont want to be a wrongdoer Kanhaji and so I ask You now to please help me to keep on the right path always and not stray away from it and commit any sins.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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