Monday, September 20, 2010

Kanhaji, I need Your guidance

I'm reading this famous book right now - Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and its amazing. It really brings together the things and questions that people have and are sometimes afraid to ask, sometimes afraid to admit that they want to ask.
Kanhaji, today in the part I read she was talking about how people who have suffered really great traumas, at the end boil down to considering things like love, and control - only. Those are the two major issues for persons who have suffered even the most dire stresses in their lives.
When I think about most of the movies I've seen or tv shows or even the lives of my friends and relatives and my own self, I realize that these really are the major things we agonize over.
Kanhaji, I do feel somewhat ashamed to have to write here to ask for Your guidance and advice and protection in a love-related matter. Matters of the heart are never cut and dry but I feel like this one is ten times harder than most. I need Your love and protection to help me to deal with this so that I handle things in a manner that will cause me and all those involved, the minimum amount of pain and perhaps bring about some happiness.
The picture I've included is one of Radharani and Kanhaji in a relaxed but intimate pose. Not intimate in a dirty sense, rather intimate in a comfortable sense. The way that He's holding her - no one can think that its a purely platonic relationship and He is being so protective of her as well.
Kanhaji, thank You for showing me what it means when a guy loves a girl - how He should treat her, how we women should be expected to be treated.
Thank You and please help me to have that so that I can have a long term loving relationship that is filled with happiness.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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