Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kanhaji ki Janmashtami

Our birthdays are all supremely important to us all - they mark the day we came into this world and they mark another year that we have lived on this earth. They help us to reflect and look at what we have accomplished in the last year in our lives - family wise, career wise, educationally, socially, physically, mentally, and most importantly...spiritually.
I know that when it was my birthday a few days ago I took the time to think about all that Kanhaji has done for me over the last year - changes in my education, my career, my family - new members welcomed and some gone forever, changes in my friendships - good and bad, changes in my other social relationships - again some good and some bad, changes in my physical appearance, changes in the way that I approach life. I now rely more on Kanhaji and have come to accept His decisions in my life.
I have began to believe in the phrase 'everything happens for a reason'. Its true, every single person sent into our lives by Kanhaji has been sent there for a particular reason.
I have realized that recently.
I have also been able to understand that as I get older I should be happy to have the opportunity to mature and live my life continuously - unlike so many who die before they have the chance to achieve certain things in their lives. I thanked Kanhaji for giving me this very life that I live and for being such a strong presence in my life now.
Today we celebrated Krishna Janmashtami which marks the anniversary of Kanhaji's earthly birth to Devki and Vasudev and the night he travelled to Yashoda to become her son.
The story of Kanhaji's birth is so miraculous that I always marvel at the sequence of events. I always imagine what happened first and how the parents reacted - both sets. How the guards would have felt, how Kans would have felt, how Kanhaji would have felt to have to come to earth as a helpless baby to face all that we have to face here.
I think that Kanhaji has given us a pretty good life but I also acknowledge that it is up to us to make our lives good, but, we can only do this with His help.
Kanhaji, thank You for coming and taking care of the evil that we faced at that time. Please help each of us to find Your strength inside us so that we can deal with the personal evils that we face everyday as we continue to live our lives to the fullest and to be the best people we can be with You by our side.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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