Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kanhaji lets me have certain things

Sometimes I feel that maybe I'm being too arrogant about certain things or that my personality has changed in a way that recently allows me to say things that I never would have before.
I think that the change is a positive one and I have to thank Kanhaji for allowing this change to happen in my life because I no longer feel like I have to hide my thoughts from him - all my thoughts, good and bad, I know that they are shared with Him because He is everywhere and He is with me all the time. If He doesn't know my innermost thoughts then that means that He doesnt really know me and that is the furthest thing from the truth.
Kanhaji knows me better than anyone else. I truly believe that because He always gives me what is right for me at the right time. He shows me how special I am when I'm feeling down and upset, He shows me how intelligent I am when I feel like I cant figure something out and He helps me to do my job in a proper manner.
Kanhaji even shows me why certain people should be in my life and why others shouldn't. Whenever I feel myself falling into a trap where I start wondering why certain things happened one way and not another - I remember Kanhaji's divine strength and pull through. I talk to Him and I make a promise to Him - that I will love Him all the days of my life, right till the end.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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