Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kanhaji's decision is always the right one

Sometimes we make a decision that really is not what we intended to say or do all along and we spend a long time regretting the decision that was made, that went against our actual plans. However, what we have to remember is that when something happens almost on impulse, when we are put on the spot and we give an answer that is unexpected and unplanned, that is Kanhaji working in our lives through us to show us the right decisions to take. He is the only one who really knows all that the future holds and so, He really is the only one we should trust in such matters.
I know that is a difficult thing to do sometimes since it is in our nature to always think that the grass is greener on the other side. However, we should eventually be able to reach a place where we can truly believe that Kanhaji made the right decision for us and that we should take a step back and try to make the best of the decision that He did make for us - see the good in it so that we can move on from the decision that may have been potentially harmful to us towards something that will serve the purpose of helping us.
Kanhaji, I want to thank You for taking control in my life and helping me to do the right thing even when I myself cannot see that it is the right thing. Thank You for continuing to help me even when I question Your divine judgement which I know is a sin. Please help me to stop committing such sins and to one day be able to truly accept all that You have given to me and to surrender my entire life to You. Please help me to work to show others the greatness of Your power and following You.

I included this very popular picture with Kanhaji bending over and giving us this penetrating look and I like to remember Him like this because it means that no matter what He is doing, or is about to do, His eyes are always on us and what we are doing or are about to do! He is truly our protector.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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