Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kanhaji, help me to overcome disappointment in family members

Sometimes in life family members disappoint you significantly. Time and again this has happened with my sister - she keeps acting up in a way that makes no one want to be around her. But, when people move away from her she tries to cling on and force them to be with her. She also takes out all of her frustrations on me and tries to insult me at every single turn. This makes me very unhappy and to be honest, used to affect me much more in the past. Now, when she acts like this, I turn to Kanhaji and ask that He should guide me and grant me the patience to deal with her and grant her the peace of mind to be a better person and not so confrontational and war-like all the time. I know that she is jealous of me - this is something I realized a short while ago. And her jealousy gets aggravated when I deal with her in a calm manner or when other family members talk pleasantly about me.
Once my grandmother called me for my birthday - this happened about 5 years ago - this was my Nanee. She told my mother many things about me and when my mother got off the phone she told us that my grandmother was proud of the young woman I had become and my sister was upset and said that no one ever told her that she was a good person. I think deep down she knew that we all hate her tantrums and cant stand them. Sometimes I feel very much relieved that she is out of the house and I dont have to see her or deal with her much. That has been the case for the past two weeks.
However, I wanted to go to spend some time with her and my mother. Yet she told my mother that there's no room there for me. That upset me a little because she wanted me to stay with her last week but I refused since I had a significant amount of work to complete which I would not have been able to do there. Now she's afraid that I will have fun without her. Its all so selfish on her part.
Kanhaji, the reason that I wrote this long post is to show people how they can come to You with their everyday problems. I know that when I started to come to You with these problems You helped me to solve them very quickly and for that reason I will always recommend that people trust in You because You truly make all things right in the end.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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