Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kanhaji, discipline isn't always easy

Sometimes I find it hard to keep discipline in my diet. I know that others may find it hard to keep discipline in other parts of their lives but the hardest part for me is my diet - especially recently since I lost a lot of weight and I am looking quite nice I find myself once again gravitating to fatty and rich food which I know isn't good because eating that kind of food is what made me get abnormally large in the first place. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating - I wasn't abnormally large, just a little too chunky.
Kanhaji has always helped me in areas of my life where I needed help. He also helped me when I needed to lose weight since He allowed me to make use of extra exercise techniques and of dieting techniques to ensure that I slimmed down. Now I feel beautiful and I look beautiful - I know this because people have told me so. With my newly restored confidence level I feel like I can do almost anything in the world and I have been more successful in my everyday life as well.
Kanhaji, this long discourse is made with the purpose of thanking You for standing by me and to ask You to stand by me once again as I get on the right path once more so that I dont overeat and that I can remain in top shape.
Kanhaji, thank You for Your love, Your honour and Your protection always.
Just as Balarama leans on Kanhaji in this picture, I too will lean on Him. I think you should do the same!
Jai Shri Krishna!

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