Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kanhaji instils confidence in me

Sometimes I start off being very confident while doing something and I put my all into it. But, midway, when things may seem slightly shaky I start doubting my abilities and my initial confidence. However, I've realized that when I pray to Kanhaji in circumstances such as this, then He always helps me and things work out for the better in the long run. Kanhaji is always there to help me be more confident. Thank You for being with me and encouraging me Kanhaji.
Kanhaji also helps me to become more confident in the way that I deal with people and the way I project myself to others. He is the only one who can help me like that, I know this.
Trusting Kanhaji to help in times when we are lacking in much-needed confidence is always a good approach.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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