Monday, August 2, 2010

Kanhaji my mind is very restless

Yesterday I was talking to a family member and some of the things the person disclosed to me have made me feel helpless and has made my mind very restless. I dont know what to think or what to do anymore because apparently things that I thought were true arent, and other family members have changed very much. I know that I have to talk to the persons involved and let them know the feelings of the hurt parties but it just feels like too much to deal with and I somehow wish that I was away from the situation and that I was never told about it.
Kanhaji, I truly dont know what to do, I dont know where to begin or what to do to help the situation and I need You to intervene and make things good again. Kanhaji, I just cant deal with the stress of the situation and I dont want to be caught in the middle. Things are very upsetting as is and they have been for a while but I guess I never really understood or realized about the extent of the situation.
Kanhaji, help me to be able to help.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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