Friday, August 27, 2010

Kanhaji grants me power to change things

Sometimes in our lives we may feel powerless and scared of people or situations and dependent on people or situations. But then, things change and suddenly...we are the ones in a position of power - we can influence the very people who used to have major influence over us. We can make them feel better or worse about themselves. However, the problem is how do we use that power? We must use the power for good and not evil. Even if we felt that persons used their power wrongly against us in the past, we should not commit the same mistakes that they did because then we will be no better than they are - we would have committed the same errors and ended up looking just as bad to them as they looked to us.
What we have to remember about power is that we must use it in a way that benefits both the user and the one subjected to it. I try not to make people feel badly about the changes in status that inevitably happen in life - to our parents, our significant others, our peers. These are the people who feel most threatened by a 'change in the scale' so to speak. We must therefore work extra hard to show them that deep down we are the same people and will always be.
If we remain grounded in our love for Kanhaji then we will remember this and continue to be good people. We have to thank Him for changing things in our favour and ask Him to help us to do the right thing with this newfound power.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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