Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to keep my promises

We all make promises - some of us do so while meaning to break them and others try very hard to keep their promises. I always try very very hard to keep my promises and I do my very best but sometimes we need help because certain circumstances are beyond our control and we may falter from the promises that we wanted to keep. In times like those we should turn to Kanhaji and ask for His help to keep the promises that we have made.
Kanhaji is always with us and He always guides us. He takes care of us and keeps us safe every day. When we need His help, if we ask Him, He will give it to us. Of this I am absolutely certain. My attitudes have changed in small ways and I know it's because Kanhaji has allowed me to change. He has allowed me to grow and to become the kind of person that He will be proud of. I have become more confident and more efficient in my daily life and for that I have Kanhaji to thank and the support system that He sent for me because even though in your mind you may be thinking that the people around you have helped you - it is only because Kanhaji sent those people to you that they have done so. That is something that we all have to realize.
I made promises to myself and to others some time ago and I felt like I wanted to back out of them sometimes because they were extremely difficult to sustain in the long term but Kanhaji somehow understood my hesitation and sent His divine presence in my life to help me to persist. That is how great He is.
I think that any picture of Kanhaji that I chose would have been applicable for today since He kept His promise to us by coming to help us all when we were in need. The one I chose is of Him enjoying his makhan and looking absolutely adorable.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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