Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kanhaji is really our only support in this world

Many times in life people think that they can rely on others and they do, to the extreme. However, when that person or those people do not pull through for us, we get upset, sad and angry. Kanhaji is the only one we can truly rely on and if we remember this then we will know deep down in our hearts that we should not get too upset when people do not fulfill our wishes - after all, they are only human beings. Kanhaji is the Supreme and He will always take care of us - He may not always fulfill our wishes because those wishes may be harmful, but, He is always taking care of our best interests.
I am writing this post because I realized how much people come to rely on their parents - but parents are people too and they may get angry with us, or be disappointed in us, or be upset or hurt by something else and take it out on us. However, they still mean well. The thing is, when these things happen, we start feeling sad and scared and worried that our mothers and fathers may like our other siblings better than us, or, in some cases, someone's else's child better than us.
At the end of the day, we have to remember that parents are people too and that we are able to rely on them a lot, but not always. Kanhaji is the One who we can always rely on - no matter the situation, the circumstance, the time, He will always be with us. Remembering this will grant us with two things - first, we will not become so self-assured and pitying of children who have lost their parents and make them feel badly for not having parents, two, we will not become disappointed when our parents are upset with us. We may feel hurt, but, we will always know that in the end things will work out and Kanhaji will guide us with the correct words to say and the right things to do.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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