Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kanhaji, grant me self control

Lately, I've been putting on weight again, after I've lost 20+ pounds and it scares me a lot. I dont want to be fat again. I want to stay at the slim size I was two months ago. But, I am 6 pounds heavier than that. I would like to lose those 6 pounds once more and feel slim again. The problem is, many people who didnt see me since my initial weight loss, keep telling me how good I look and how much weight I lost. It boosts my ego but its also made me a little bit careless in my eating.
Kanhaji, I need Your help in this matter, I need to exercise the amount of self control I had previously. I need Your divine intervention and guidance in this matter Kanhaji. Please help me and help the many others who also face problems like this daily. You are our source of strength and protection. Please help us to get out of our bad habits and move towards positive ones. In Your holy name I ask this.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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