Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kanhaji, let everything work out, please.

Sometimes you really want something and you feel like things may not necessarily work out the way you would like. At times like this I call on Kanhaji and ask that He shower me with His divine blessings and protection.
My birthday is coming up and I would like to go out to a particular place with my friends, siblings, cousins but I feel like things might be falling apart at the last minute because people are bailing on me. All I can really do at this point is to ask Kanhaji to intervene and make things right again. Kanhaji, please take care of everything and let it all work out in the end as You did for yesterday.
I had an amazing time yesterday and I know that it is all because of Your presence in me and around me. Thank You for Your love and protection. Please take care of things for next Saturday as well.
In Your holy name I ask this.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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