Monday, August 23, 2010

Kanhaji shows me the way to mend relationships

Kanhaji always shows me the way to mend broken relationships that I should hold on to. He intervenes and makes things easier for me. He helps me to interact with those I love in an easier form and He takes care of me always. Kanhaji's workings are simply beyond our understanding and control and in the simplest way and when you least expect it - He will enter and make all things right.
Kanhaji did that for me today and I was glad that I was able to have an amiable time with the people that I care about and want to continue to have an amicable relationship with in the future.
Kanhaji Himself was so lovable and likeable that He has countless admirers - adults loved Him like a son, children loved Him as a friend and love interest and we are all devoted to Him because of our inner love and respect for Him.
Kanhaji is the one who heals all wounds.
The picture I've included is one of my absolute favourites - it shows Kanhaji eating the makhan and looking so innocent and cute that I cant help but gush over Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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