Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kanhaji helps me when I'm sick

We all get sick - some people more than others and some people more seriously than others. However, when we are ill - one thing we know for certain - we want to be pampered. We also want people to be sympathetic and say that they'll take care of us. Kanhaji loves us very much and He does not like it when we are uncomfortable or in pain, and so, He takes care of us and tries to make us better. In some cases, what is in our destiny cant be helped very easily but if we pray to Him and truly believe that He will take care of us and make us feel better, then, He will.
I know that many of my posts come down to this - the need for unwavering faith in Kanhaji - even in times when things aren't going our way, but its true, I have seen this happen myself. Meditating on Kanhaji and believing in Him is the ONLY way to have a good life. It is the ONLY way to succeed truly and be happy in everything you do.
The picture I've included is my favourite picture of Kanhaji - He is sitting comfortably in Yashoda Maiyya's lap and she is holding Him so protectively that I always feel safe when I look at this picture. This is how we would like to be comforted and taken care of when we are ill so I included this picture.
Kanhaji, I once again thank You for being in my life and for loving me - I am sure that everyone who reads this post must be thinking the same and I ask that You shower Your divine blessings on all of us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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