Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to deal

In general there are times in our lives when we need a little bit of help dealing with the situation. At those times, Kanhaji is there to provide His support and love to us. He is the one who is always with us - now and forever. He will always take care of us and always love us. This I know with absolute certainty because He does it for me all the time. He always finds some way to cheer me up when I'm down and a little bit sad about something. He helps me to find a way to forget the sorrow and to move on to better things in life.
Kanhaji helps me to realize that when things dont go the way I planned - there's a reason for that. Kanhaji gives me challenges that I have to face in order to become a better, stronger person and someone who recognizes what core values are and stands by them. For sure I face temptations to do what is popular and follow the crowd but Kanhaji always sends me little reminders - in the form of words of wisdom in emails from some religious organization, in the form of kind and very comforting words from a friend, in the form of His divine presence that shines in my life all the time.
I can always turn to Him and that is something I would never trade for all the gold and diamonds in the world.
I hope that you all feel the same way about Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kanhaji, I know that I need to trust You more

Kanhaji I dont know why I've been so restless lately. Its almost like I cant relax and definitely like I cant concentrate properly. I'm hoping that some time off from the real world and the realities that come with it - in the form of a mini-vacation will help me significantly.
Kanhaji, I'm sorry that I haven't been placing my full trust in You. I dont know why I keep thinking about a million and one possibilities and keep forgetting to count my awesome blessings that You have given to me.
Just now I was watching some old pictures of me and I have changed so very much now - I can hardly believe it! Thank You for the amazing changes You brought to me and thank You for Your love and protection always - even when I am not fully doing my duties.
Kanhaji, please grant me the strength I need to move on in my life and to be able to combine working hard and playing hard.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Kanhaji, thank You for strength

Kanhaji, I can feel Your strength and power running through me today. Thank You for that. Thank You for Your divine presence in my life - today and every day. Thank You for my family members - immediate and extended, thank You for my friends. Thank You for granting me Your grace and acceptance and power. Thank You for transforming my life. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kanhaji, You take care of me

Sometimes I need a little help to fulfill the vows I've taken. I may also need help to understand what You want for me and from me Kanha. I love You and I want You to be with me always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kanhaji,You are the only one I trust

One day I suddenly realized that I was trusting the wrong people in my life. I was expecting other people to make me feel happy and to do the best for me. But the truth is, Kanhaji, You are the only one I should really trust. I know that inside of me. I know that You are the only one who really has all my best interests at heart. Sometimes I see the whole world shift just so that something happens in my favour - and so I know that when the disappointments come, it is just your way of saying - "it's okay, I did this because its the best thing for you, maybe you cant see it now but it is, trust me," and so I do.
In the past there are many things that would have upset me but now I try to take everything in easy stride so that You Kanhaji is the only one I really pour my heart out to.
Thank You for Your love,
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Kanhaji, I need You...always

I know that's true. I need You around me always in everything that I do. Kanhaji, thank You for always being with me and for always showering Your divine blessings on me. Thank You for giving me little signs and little indications that I should try to uphold the correct path at all times and not falter.
Kanhaji, thank You for Your divine love, guidance and protection always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kanhaji always helps me to heal

Kanhaji sometime during the day I realized that I don't care about hurtful things anymore and I realized that you have truly helped me to heal. You always do without fail. Thank You for that Kanha!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kanhaji, You always help me to maintain control

I know that many people the world over testify to the power of meditation and I know that it's true. Meditating takes your mind off the bad and brings you to the good. Kanhaji, I know for sure that talking to You and interacting with You throughout the day is a good thing for me because at times when I need Your training, Your teaching, Your power the most, it works out. You are always with me - every day in every way and I am not afraid to show You my thoughts, my actions, my words, my deeds. I want to be able to feed You soon. I heard that murtis are accepting milk all over and I want to be able to feed You with my own two hands. Kanha, will You accept my offering?
Kanhaji, I want to thank You for helping me to make decisions borne out of control and thought rather than those borne out of haste and negative behaviour. Many times I have seen that You have punished those who do wrong and rewarded those who do right. I dont want to be a wrongdoer Kanhaji and so I ask You now to please help me to keep on the right path always and not stray away from it and commit any sins.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kanhaji, I trust that You will take care of everything

Kanhaji, I dont know how I know - okay I do, I know because You have instilled this deep confidence and faith in my heart. You have made me realize how much You love me and care about me. You have made me see that there's no sense in worrying because You will always be there to take care of me - to guide me, to love me.
Sometimes I wonder why I used to be so worried in the past because now I know that nothing in this world ever happens against Your will. You control everything - good and bad - our reactions to certain situations and our behaviours in life.
Kanhaji, thank You for being in control, thank You for taking care of everything. I just want to continue to pray to You and know that You will make everything fine.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kanhaji, I need Your guidance

I'm reading this famous book right now - Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and its amazing. It really brings together the things and questions that people have and are sometimes afraid to ask, sometimes afraid to admit that they want to ask.
Kanhaji, today in the part I read she was talking about how people who have suffered really great traumas, at the end boil down to considering things like love, and control - only. Those are the two major issues for persons who have suffered even the most dire stresses in their lives.
When I think about most of the movies I've seen or tv shows or even the lives of my friends and relatives and my own self, I realize that these really are the major things we agonize over.
Kanhaji, I do feel somewhat ashamed to have to write here to ask for Your guidance and advice and protection in a love-related matter. Matters of the heart are never cut and dry but I feel like this one is ten times harder than most. I need Your love and protection to help me to deal with this so that I handle things in a manner that will cause me and all those involved, the minimum amount of pain and perhaps bring about some happiness.
The picture I've included is one of Radharani and Kanhaji in a relaxed but intimate pose. Not intimate in a dirty sense, rather intimate in a comfortable sense. The way that He's holding her - no one can think that its a purely platonic relationship and He is being so protective of her as well.
Kanhaji, thank You for showing me what it means when a guy loves a girl - how He should treat her, how we women should be expected to be treated.
Thank You and please help me to have that so that I can have a long term loving relationship that is filled with happiness.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kanhaji, many people dont understand You

Kanhaji, there are so many people in the world today who don't understand You at all - they don't understand Your relationships while You lived on earth, they don't understand that You wanted us all to get along and to love each other, not create differences among ourselves and fight and worry and fret about whose religion is better.
Kanhaji, many people don't understand that You had to take care of us by showing us how to enjoy life - 'stealing' butter wasn't really stealing because You always gave so much back to the villagers. 'Romancing' the cowherds was a spiritual and magnificent thing that You did because You allowed each of them to feel like she was Your wife. You rewarded them as Your true devotees. I think that people don't understand it and they try to ridicule it because of that.
Kanhaji, I want Your presence with me. I want to be able to depend on You and to know that You are here for me no matter what.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kanhaji, please help me to stand by my beliefs

Sometimes its hard to be true to something that you believe in when everyone else around you is ridiculing you for it. I know this is true for me. Sometimes when those close to me are pressuring me about something I begin to feel guilty. I never allow myself to succumb to the peer pressure but I do feel pretty awful about it afterwards. I have to say that Kanhaji's presence in my life is the reason that I am able to continue along the right path even when things aren't going the way I want them to and even when those close to me dont understand me at all.
Sometimes standing by those beliefs is hard because it makes you feel lonely and may make others think that you arent as 'fun' or 'perfect' as they though you to be. But it doesn't matter because at the end of the day what I think is the most important thing is the way Kanhaji sees us.
Kanhaji, thank You for giving me this knowledge - that no matter what happens You are the only one I really have to please and You will take care of me no matter what.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kanhaji ki leela

Again I have to write about the best made plans of men (and women!) being shot to nothing in the face of Kanhaji's divine power and love. Everything that happens in life happens for a reason and higher purpose. I know I've said this many times before but more and more I am truly realizing how much Kanhaji has given to us and just how much He will continue to give to us.
No one can understand Your leela Kanhaji, because we are mere mortals and You are the supreme - the One who will take care of us always. Thank You for Your love and please help us to make decisions that are in accordance with Your plan so that our lives may be filled with You.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kanhaji ka pyaar, ashirvad

Some days I just feel Kanhaji's power in my life more than others. Kanhaji is always with me, always taking care of me and always loving me. He is the one I can always depend on and He will always be with me. I know this for certain. It doesn't matter what I want in life and what I feel I should have - at the end of the day He is the only one who will decide what will happen in my life and I will just go along with His plan. His divine intervention is exactly what I need all the time.
This I am completely certain of because He intervenes whenever I think that I have backed myself into a corner and sometimes He lets me face the music, because He knows that I will be stronger for it at the end of the day. Kanhaji is the one I love now and will always love for the rest of my life. I know that is true because a love this powerful, a bond this powerful and all arresting and all enveloping cannot be broken.
Kanhaji, thank You for making me your bhakti and I pray for others who have not found You yet, in whatever form that is most suitable to them. Kanhaji, please continue to bless the ones that I hold dear and please help us to be good, kind, and loving people always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kanhaji lets me have certain things

Sometimes I feel that maybe I'm being too arrogant about certain things or that my personality has changed in a way that recently allows me to say things that I never would have before.
I think that the change is a positive one and I have to thank Kanhaji for allowing this change to happen in my life because I no longer feel like I have to hide my thoughts from him - all my thoughts, good and bad, I know that they are shared with Him because He is everywhere and He is with me all the time. If He doesn't know my innermost thoughts then that means that He doesnt really know me and that is the furthest thing from the truth.
Kanhaji knows me better than anyone else. I truly believe that because He always gives me what is right for me at the right time. He shows me how special I am when I'm feeling down and upset, He shows me how intelligent I am when I feel like I cant figure something out and He helps me to do my job in a proper manner.
Kanhaji even shows me why certain people should be in my life and why others shouldn't. Whenever I feel myself falling into a trap where I start wondering why certain things happened one way and not another - I remember Kanhaji's divine strength and pull through. I talk to Him and I make a promise to Him - that I will love Him all the days of my life, right till the end.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kanhaji, You show me new reasons to smile

Kanhaji, thank You for giving me new reasons to smile and be happy every day. Thank You for putting joy, peace and happiness in my life. Thank You for Your love and protection every single day. Kanhaji, please continue to stay with me because I have realized a long time ago that I cant achieve anything properly without You. I need You and I want You to be with me always.
There's a nice saying that I heard recently - You shouldn't have to make time for God because He is always with You. That's how I feel Kanhaji, whenever I want to turn to You to tell You something, I truly do believe that You already know what I want to say and that You will make things work out for me in the long run.
Kanhaji, please take care of everyone I love and care about - even if only for a little while, all the people I once cared about and still do care about are important to me. Even if they unknowingly hurt me, please take care of them and keep them safe. I know that there are many good people in the world out there. Kanha, please shower Your blessings on them and keep them safe, happy and healthy and please help them to find Your love.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kanhaji, I want things to work

Kanhaji, there are certain things going on in my life right now that I want to work out. Can you please help me? I know that You know what they are and I know that You know what is in the hearts of everyone reading this blog as well. Please help us all to either realize what we want or to understand why its not right for us.
Sometimes I compare my life to that of others around me and I just feel so unaccomplished. I know its not true and they may say the same when they look at my life because we are accomplished at different things and in different ways. But, Kanhaji sometimes I just wish that I could find what I was looking for, for years on end...Happiness.
I know that most of the time I am happy, but I mean completely happy, unconditionally. Like the happiness described in films and books.
Kanhaji, I know You will think that I am being ungrateful and unrealistic since You have given me so very much in life and today I havent even thanked you once, I've only gripe about wanting more.
Kanhaji, please forgive me for doing this and I do want to thank You for being the strength in my life and for giving me peace and happiness. Thank You for showing me that things can go right even when some things are going wrong.
Please help me to be more devout in the future.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kanhaji always opens new doors

When one door closes in your life - Kanhaji always opens another one, or another few! I found this happening to me recently and I just wanted to tell people not to despair when they think that things are going badly in their lives and the doors have closed on them. Kanhaji will always provide a solution - something that will suit us better than what we were longing for.
Kanhaji is all-knowing and all-seeing and He sees problems that may have occurred in our lives long in advance of us thinking of them even. He is the only one who knows what is truly best for us in the long run. He wants us to be happy and so He will take us along the path that will make us happy.
I truly believe that every experience in life makes you learn something - even if its something cynical like 'never trust people' and I still think I haven't reached that stage. Instead my motto is more like 'be cautious of who you trust' because you eventually have to trust some people and so the thing to do is to pray to Kanhaji and ask that He guide you so that your trust will be put only in the right person.
Kanhaji, I want to thank You for closing the doors that weren't right for me and for opening the ones that will lead me to my ultimate destination - with You by my side.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kanhaji protects me...always

When we hear the word 'protection' or even 'protect' we automatically think 'from harm'. But the truth is a lot of the time the protection that Kanhaji has to do for us, comes from ourselves. Kanhaji protects us from harming ourselves a lot of the time and I'm not talking about physical harm strictly, though this does happen and Kanhaji does help those people as well. I'm talking specifically about emotional harm and turmoil.
Sometimes when something bad happens in our lives we tend to harp on it - rethink the situation, what we could have done differently, what we should have said or did or not said or not did, how we should have behaved, who we should have spoken to. All of these things affect us. Harping affects us negatively because it erodes on our self esteem when we start to think of all the wrongs that we did (well, we usually perceive it as wrongs that we did even if this may not be true).
Kanhaji reminds us that other things in our lives are great - and that these thing are also attributable to us - happy things happening around us help us and make us feel better. Kanhaji may send a story, a poem, a friend to us to help us talk things through and realize that what happened really was for the best. In dire situations Kanhaji will send us professional help - in the form of a counsellor or someone skilled in a particular area.
I know that whatever happens in my life - good or bad - Kanhaji will always be there for me. He will always guide me and always protect me. Kanhaji loves me and I know that will not change, no matter what else happens in my life now and in the future. This is the one thing I can be sure of.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to get over things

When something bad happens in your life - something hurtful, something difficult to deal with, you feel sad and upset and lonely even. But, prayer to Kanahji really works. He is the only one who can take care of everything in our lives - good and bad. He sends the good things to us and He takes away most of the bad, but there are some things in there that we have to experience because it will teach us how to be better people in the long run. It will help us to be stronger. It will take us to further realization of how much Kanhaji helps us and takes care of us - every day in our lives, in every way.
Something bad happened to me a few weeks ago and over time I was trying to convince myself that it really happened for the best, or, that something would happen to change the situation. But, today I found out something that made me realize that even if the situation doesn't change, even if I never realize what I wanted at that time, its okay, because Kanhaji has a plan for me and His plan is always great. If He wants this thing to work for me, it will. And if He doesnt, then He will let something else work out in my life.
Kanhaji, thank You once more helping me to get over the bad things and to focus on the good in my life. Thank You for Your love and Your divine intervention in my life.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kanhaji sends friends

Kanhaji, thank You for sending good friends to me. Today I once again was able to realize how important good friends are in our lives. Good friends take care of us when we are hurt and upset and they help us get out of our low moods. They boost our self esteems so that we truly believe that only good things can happen to us in the future - regardless of whatever bad things we experienced before.
Kanhaji, I know that You knew the importance of friends. You always showed that in the way You treated Your friends with respect and honour, even the Mahabharata battle was fought with You as Your dearest friend's charioteer! You, Kanhaji, did that to be able to support Your friend.
I thank You Kanhaji for sending me such great friends. I hope that I can be a good friend to them too.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kanhaji, thank You for restoring my confidence

Kanhaji, You restored my confidence to the highest level and now its so high that I'm thinking that I can do anything I want to do and be anything I want to be. Thank You for doing that for me Kanhaji because a year ago, maybe even a few months ago, I know I would not have been thinking the same way. It's all Your doing and I have to thank You for that.
Kanhaji, please continue to help me to have a high confidence level and please show me the way to be able to balance the high confidence with a good approach to treating others in a respectful manner.
Kanhaji, please help everyone reading this blog be able to believe in themselves and achieve a high level of confidence and success in their lives with You by their sides.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kanhaji gives me challenges and moments of bliss

Sometimes in life things just work out perfectly. Most times they dont. When they dont we like to stop and analyze the situations agonizing for hours, days, weeks about what happened, why it happened, why not etc. This kind of behaviour is less than ideal. I know it because I myself practice it sometimes.
If we truly accept Kanhaji then we will truly accept everything that He gives us in life - all the challenges, all the disappointements, all the tears as well as all the happiness, all the joy, all the love that we experience every day in the tiniest ways.
Kanhaji is the one that we should look to at all times in our lives and I always feel His divine presence with me - all the time, every day.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Kanhaji, thank You for giving me strength

The one thing I needed the most today was strength. Kanhaji gave it to me and I was able to pull through and feel better about myself and project an aura of confidence and happiness. I was also able to resist temptation to do something really silly.
Kanhaji always is with me and He always takes care of my needs and today more than ever, I saw that happen.
Kanhaji, I have to thank You again for helping me, taking care of me, loving me.
I feel really proud of myself because it was so hard to do this - to be strong - many times I just wanted to cry, almost said the wrong thing, almost did the wrong thing. But in the end, I used the support system Kanhaji gave me - my friends, Himself, and it helped so much. My day was a good one. Tiring, but good.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kanhaji, my faith in You is the most important thing to me

I truly believe that You guide me to do the right thing Kanhaji. I truly believe that You will always show me the right way regardless of the situation. I guess that now I cant see why I did the right thing by saying that stuff but maybe in a few days or months or years I will know.
Kanhaji, I need Your guidance and I just need to know that You are with me in happy times and difficult times. I want to be able to feel Your presence always.
Thank You for loving me and being with me and caring about me. Thank You for allowing me to be exposed to Your divine presence and strength.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kanhaji, please help me be strong

Kanha, today is one of those days where I feel like nothing is going my way. I have wasted a lot of time when I should be working hard. Kanha, I need Your help and I need to know that You are with me always. I know that already but I just wanted to say it again. Kanha, I need Your help to be strong. Please help me and please help everyone reading this blog to be strong and have faith in You and Your power. Kanha, I love You and I am putting all of my trust and faith in You. I want to be cleansed of any bad feelings that I have towards persons who may have hurt me knowingly or unknowingly. Kanha, please help me to forgive them. I know that truly it isnt their fault. Kanha, please help me to trust that You will make my life right in the end and that things will be okay. I dont want to have to compare my life to others and be jealous or anything. Kanha, please help me to do what is right and to find my way in the world.
I know that You will guide me and help me through.
One of the most important things I have felt about finding faith in Kanhaji is that when I feel weak I can just tell Him that I want Him to help me, to take care of me, to help me to do the right things instead of the wrong. Kanhaji always listens and He always takes charge of the situation.
Kanhaji, I trust You completely. Please take charge of me and everything in my life.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Kanhaji gives me what I need

Sometimes I feel that things in my life are not happening on time - not the way I want them to or when I want them to. And then something changes in the future and I realize that the timing was exactly right. Kanhaji always does that - He gives us exactly what we need when we need it and even if we can't always see it easily - He is always giving us these things at exactly the right time for us.
I look around at my friends and I see some people unhappy with their lives - others are happy with their lives. And I realize that those who are happy have accepted the way that things are and have tried to make the best of it - they have allowed themselves to be happy in spite of disappointments and trials and pain and fears.
This is because they trust in Kanhaji and I have to say that I hope that one day I will be able to fully trust everything that He does for me because sometimes I find myself still wondering about alternate endings to certain points in my life.
Kanhaji, thank You for always sending me the right things at the right times.
I felt that the picture with Kanhaji offering us laddoos was the most appropriate because it shows that He is giving us His blessings all the time - even if we dont recognize it!
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kanhaji ki Janmashtami

Our birthdays are all supremely important to us all - they mark the day we came into this world and they mark another year that we have lived on this earth. They help us to reflect and look at what we have accomplished in the last year in our lives - family wise, career wise, educationally, socially, physically, mentally, and most importantly...spiritually.
I know that when it was my birthday a few days ago I took the time to think about all that Kanhaji has done for me over the last year - changes in my education, my career, my family - new members welcomed and some gone forever, changes in my friendships - good and bad, changes in my other social relationships - again some good and some bad, changes in my physical appearance, changes in the way that I approach life. I now rely more on Kanhaji and have come to accept His decisions in my life.
I have began to believe in the phrase 'everything happens for a reason'. Its true, every single person sent into our lives by Kanhaji has been sent there for a particular reason.
I have realized that recently.
I have also been able to understand that as I get older I should be happy to have the opportunity to mature and live my life continuously - unlike so many who die before they have the chance to achieve certain things in their lives. I thanked Kanhaji for giving me this very life that I live and for being such a strong presence in my life now.
Today we celebrated Krishna Janmashtami which marks the anniversary of Kanhaji's earthly birth to Devki and Vasudev and the night he travelled to Yashoda to become her son.
The story of Kanhaji's birth is so miraculous that I always marvel at the sequence of events. I always imagine what happened first and how the parents reacted - both sets. How the guards would have felt, how Kans would have felt, how Kanhaji would have felt to have to come to earth as a helpless baby to face all that we have to face here.
I think that Kanhaji has given us a pretty good life but I also acknowledge that it is up to us to make our lives good, but, we can only do this with His help.
Kanhaji, thank You for coming and taking care of the evil that we faced at that time. Please help each of us to find Your strength inside us so that we can deal with the personal evils that we face everyday as we continue to live our lives to the fullest and to be the best people we can be with You by our side.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to express myself

Expressing oneself isn't always an easy task - sometimes its very difficult to find the right words to say, to write, to communicate. This is why people always say that you should think twice before you speak and three times before you write something down. I agree with this in theory and I say in theory because the focus of this blog for me has been about writing the first thing that comes to my mind within the framework of my theme for that day. This is what I do but I sometimes edit some of my words or even the theme I have chosen!
I guess that's no surprise for anyone reading this blog since anyone who has ever written before knows that editing is one of the key aspects of writing.
Whenever I find that words fail me I ask Kanhaji for help. Sometimes I realize that I have expressed myself poorly and have therefore succeeded in offending someone dear to me. At times like that I get very upset and I think that next time I will try harder to do and say the right things around that person.
Kanhaji always helps me when I ask Him to and even now, He is guiding my words so that I can say what I want to in a concise and coherent (I hope!) manner.
I know that in this post I didnt say anything really about creative expression and that has been an error of omission on my part since creative expression really is therapeutic. I myself like writing and dancing. These are the two major ways I express myself when I am happy or even when I am sad. Kanhaji always played the bansuri, which is what I showed in the picture here today. For all who choose music as their form of expression, you understand the healing power - I myself have never really grasped music as easily as others but I do not think I will ever stop trying to learn to play a musical instrument. Maybe one day I will be as good at it as Kanhaji was at playing His bansuri.
Jai Shri Krishna!