Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kanhaji's decision is always the right one

Sometimes we make a decision that really is not what we intended to say or do all along and we spend a long time regretting the decision that was made, that went against our actual plans. However, what we have to remember is that when something happens almost on impulse, when we are put on the spot and we give an answer that is unexpected and unplanned, that is Kanhaji working in our lives through us to show us the right decisions to take. He is the only one who really knows all that the future holds and so, He really is the only one we should trust in such matters.
I know that is a difficult thing to do sometimes since it is in our nature to always think that the grass is greener on the other side. However, we should eventually be able to reach a place where we can truly believe that Kanhaji made the right decision for us and that we should take a step back and try to make the best of the decision that He did make for us - see the good in it so that we can move on from the decision that may have been potentially harmful to us towards something that will serve the purpose of helping us.
Kanhaji, I want to thank You for taking control in my life and helping me to do the right thing even when I myself cannot see that it is the right thing. Thank You for continuing to help me even when I question Your divine judgement which I know is a sin. Please help me to stop committing such sins and to one day be able to truly accept all that You have given to me and to surrender my entire life to You. Please help me to work to show others the greatness of Your power and following You.

I included this very popular picture with Kanhaji bending over and giving us this penetrating look and I like to remember Him like this because it means that no matter what He is doing, or is about to do, His eyes are always on us and what we are doing or are about to do! He is truly our protector.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji sends us angels

Whenever we need Him the most - Kanhaji intervenes in our lives. He sends people, angels I call them, to help us and show us the ropes or to take care of us when we are sick and in need of human interaction that will pull us out of our slump. Kanhaji is always with us and He knows when we need Him the most. At these times we may sometimes feel like He has abandoned us, but the truth is, He will never do so.
He is the ever forgiving, ever loving God in our lives and He will always see us through - He will always take care of us in every possible way and we should continually call on Him and praise Him for being with us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kanhaji, thank You again

Little things in life often make me thank Kanhaji for staying with me through it all. Today I had to get home in an unfamiliar way at a relatively late hour. But, even though I was a little bit scared, I remembered that Kanhaji is always with me and I knew that He would protect me no matter what. Eventually when I got into the vehicle I noticed that one of my acquaintances was there and that made me feel much safer. He and I conversed amicably for the rest of the journey and I really felt that Kanhaji sent that person to me to ease my mind.
As usual, Kanhaji took care of me in a potentially dangerous situation and for this I am very grateful to Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kanhaji shows me that sometimes friends come through better than family

Kanhaji always understood the value of friendships and that is why He maintained so many friendships - the gopas, the gopis, other famous friends of His - Arjuna for one, was His friend more than His cousin. We all know the value of good friends - they support us when we need help, sometimes even more than our family and relatives do. I once heard a quote, I dont remember who gave it, that friends are the family that God sent to us to earn instead of handing them to us on a platter. As with all relationships, we have to work really hard to make friendships work - we have to remember their important occasions and those of their children, spouses and other family members. We have to make an effort for their parents (when we are younger) and spouses (when we are older) to like us. We have to work hard to maintain these bonds sometimes, but, when we need them, they are there to lend a helping hand, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to squeeze, an embrace to fall into and someone who will make us feel less lonely and insignificant in a world filled with many other people like ourselves. Our friends see the redeemable qualities in us even when we cant see them in ourselves, they try extra hard to make us feel better when we are down. They criticize us in gentle ways that show us the flaws in our personalities that need to be addressed.
Kanhaji, thank You for sending me my family, but I also want to thank You for sending me my many many friends who I love and who love me.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Janam din

Yesterday I received an invitation in my inbox to attend a Krishna Janmasthami prayer service and it got me thinking on the issue of birthdays - what does a birthday mean really? I know that some cultures and religions think that celebrating birthdays is a custom that should not be practiced since people get too involved with themselves or something like that. If anyone from one of those religions or cultures is reading this, please dont get offended, I am writing from a perspective of someone who is admitting to not know everything happening in other religions and cultures.
Kanhaji's birthday is one of the most important days in the Hindu calendar and people all over the world celebrate it in lavish and extravagant ways. Kanhaji's birthday signifies to us, the day when He decided to come and help us to get away from evil and its evil repercussions. Kanhaji's birthday is a day that should be celebrated.
Our own birthdays are so very important to us - according to tradition we receive gifts, we give charity, we do important things and see people who we havent seen in many years because they come to wish us well if we have a party, or, they call us on the phone to wish us Happy Birthday.
Let us all remember to wish Kanhaji a Happy Birthday and to celebrate with Him on Janmashtami.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Kanhaji grants me power to change things

Sometimes in our lives we may feel powerless and scared of people or situations and dependent on people or situations. But then, things change and suddenly...we are the ones in a position of power - we can influence the very people who used to have major influence over us. We can make them feel better or worse about themselves. However, the problem is how do we use that power? We must use the power for good and not evil. Even if we felt that persons used their power wrongly against us in the past, we should not commit the same mistakes that they did because then we will be no better than they are - we would have committed the same errors and ended up looking just as bad to them as they looked to us.
What we have to remember about power is that we must use it in a way that benefits both the user and the one subjected to it. I try not to make people feel badly about the changes in status that inevitably happen in life - to our parents, our significant others, our peers. These are the people who feel most threatened by a 'change in the scale' so to speak. We must therefore work extra hard to show them that deep down we are the same people and will always be.
If we remain grounded in our love for Kanhaji then we will remember this and continue to be good people. We have to thank Him for changing things in our favour and ask Him to help us to do the right thing with this newfound power.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kanhaji, thank You

I know that I dont say these words nearly often enough but I have to say them and I think that everyone reading should say them along with me - Thank You Kanhaji for being a part of my life - for giving me my very existence and showing me the right path, for helping me along every single step of the way, for allowing me to conduct myself properly in every situation. Thank You for Your divine intervention and help. Thank You for Your love and care. Thank You for listening - every day, all the time, whenever I want You to and even when I dont.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kanhaji sends people to help

When we are in unfamiliar situations and places we often feel a little bit awkward and though today I had the potential for that type of feeling Kanhaji sent me some people to talk to who were quite nice and friendly and in the end we got along very well. This is how Kanhaji helps us when we are scared or worried about things - He swoops in and makes it all fine.
This is not the first time that Kanhaji has helped me in this way and I'm sure that it wont be the last.
I included a picture of Kanhaji and His friends here because it shows how much He knows the importance of peer interaction and that is exactly what He facilitated for me today.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to keep my promises

We all make promises - some of us do so while meaning to break them and others try very hard to keep their promises. I always try very very hard to keep my promises and I do my very best but sometimes we need help because certain circumstances are beyond our control and we may falter from the promises that we wanted to keep. In times like those we should turn to Kanhaji and ask for His help to keep the promises that we have made.
Kanhaji is always with us and He always guides us. He takes care of us and keeps us safe every day. When we need His help, if we ask Him, He will give it to us. Of this I am absolutely certain. My attitudes have changed in small ways and I know it's because Kanhaji has allowed me to change. He has allowed me to grow and to become the kind of person that He will be proud of. I have become more confident and more efficient in my daily life and for that I have Kanhaji to thank and the support system that He sent for me because even though in your mind you may be thinking that the people around you have helped you - it is only because Kanhaji sent those people to you that they have done so. That is something that we all have to realize.
I made promises to myself and to others some time ago and I felt like I wanted to back out of them sometimes because they were extremely difficult to sustain in the long term but Kanhaji somehow understood my hesitation and sent His divine presence in my life to help me to persist. That is how great He is.
I think that any picture of Kanhaji that I chose would have been applicable for today since He kept His promise to us by coming to help us all when we were in need. The one I chose is of Him enjoying his makhan and looking absolutely adorable.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Kanhaji shows me the way to mend relationships

Kanhaji always shows me the way to mend broken relationships that I should hold on to. He intervenes and makes things easier for me. He helps me to interact with those I love in an easier form and He takes care of me always. Kanhaji's workings are simply beyond our understanding and control and in the simplest way and when you least expect it - He will enter and make all things right.
Kanhaji did that for me today and I was glad that I was able to have an amiable time with the people that I care about and want to continue to have an amicable relationship with in the future.
Kanhaji Himself was so lovable and likeable that He has countless admirers - adults loved Him like a son, children loved Him as a friend and love interest and we are all devoted to Him because of our inner love and respect for Him.
Kanhaji is the one who heals all wounds.
The picture I've included is one of my absolute favourites - it shows Kanhaji eating the makhan and looking so innocent and cute that I cant help but gush over Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kanhaji, I trust You

Today I had a disappointment - I thought that I would get to go somewhere next week but it didn't work out at all. In the end I wont get to go and I was upset about it a little but not much and not for long. Do you know why reader? Its because I know that Kanhaji is the one in control and if He didn't let me go - then there must have been a reason for that. Something that I cant see, that He can in the grand scheme of things.
Kanhaji is the only one I trust this fully and totally - to always do the right thing for me in all situations.
I chose this collage picture because it depicts so many different forms and moods of Kanhaji which is fitting to Him because He changes His moods and forms all the time. When He is powerful He is the protector but He can also be the son, the baby, the cowherd, Radha's companion. Kanhaji is amazing!
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kanhaji, let everything work out, please.

Sometimes you really want something and you feel like things may not necessarily work out the way you would like. At times like this I call on Kanhaji and ask that He shower me with His divine blessings and protection.
My birthday is coming up and I would like to go out to a particular place with my friends, siblings, cousins but I feel like things might be falling apart at the last minute because people are bailing on me. All I can really do at this point is to ask Kanhaji to intervene and make things right again. Kanhaji, please take care of everything and let it all work out in the end as You did for yesterday.
I had an amazing time yesterday and I know that it is all because of Your presence in me and around me. Thank You for Your love and protection. Please take care of things for next Saturday as well.
In Your holy name I ask this.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji, help me to have fun

Kanhaji, my plea to You today is to help me to have good, clean fun and to be a good person throughout the fun times and the low times. Kanhaji, please take care of me and remind me that You are always with me - holding me and loving me. Kanhaji, I love You more than I have ever loved anyone else and I know that with You all things are possible. I know that I just have to call on You and You will be there for me. I know that I just have to look at Your picture to feel a cheered spirit. Kanhaji, please be with me as I am having fun and keep me safe. Please shower Your divine blessings on me and everyone else I love and care about.
In Your holy name I ask for Your guidance, love and protection.
I included this picture because it shows Kanhaji having fun with His brother - Balarama.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kanhaji, discipline isn't always easy

Sometimes I find it hard to keep discipline in my diet. I know that others may find it hard to keep discipline in other parts of their lives but the hardest part for me is my diet - especially recently since I lost a lot of weight and I am looking quite nice I find myself once again gravitating to fatty and rich food which I know isn't good because eating that kind of food is what made me get abnormally large in the first place. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating - I wasn't abnormally large, just a little too chunky.
Kanhaji has always helped me in areas of my life where I needed help. He also helped me when I needed to lose weight since He allowed me to make use of extra exercise techniques and of dieting techniques to ensure that I slimmed down. Now I feel beautiful and I look beautiful - I know this because people have told me so. With my newly restored confidence level I feel like I can do almost anything in the world and I have been more successful in my everyday life as well.
Kanhaji, this long discourse is made with the purpose of thanking You for standing by me and to ask You to stand by me once again as I get on the right path once more so that I dont overeat and that I can remain in top shape.
Kanhaji, thank You for Your love, Your honour and Your protection always.
Just as Balarama leans on Kanhaji in this picture, I too will lean on Him. I think you should do the same!
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kanhaji shows me that I need to recuperate

We are all guilty of abusing ourselves a little because we always want to work and often do not find the time required to sit back and just relax for an entire day so that our bodies have the chance to recuperate and relax to ease the tensions associated with daily living.
However, sometimes Kanhaji steps in to tell us that we are overdoing things. When He does this He reminds us that rest is as important as work and that we should take care of ourselves to ensure that we don't fall ill.
Kanhaji did this for me recently. He helped me to realize that I need to take some time for myself because no one will look after me as lovingly as He does.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kanhaji, You took care of me

Kanhaji, almost all my wishes were fulfilled for my trip. The only one left was the one about Your temple which I was so close to yet unable to go inside! Kanhaji You let me come home at the perfect time. Thank You for staying close to me throughout. Please help me to have more faith in all Your decisions.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kanhaji, You let everything happen on time

Kanhaji, I have long since learned to trust You fully - in everything that I do I trust Your judgement. Sometimes things happen in my life that hurt terribly but I know that there are brighter days ahead. You are always with me and You will always love me, I know this for certain.
Kanhaji, thank You for granting me my wishes and I thank You for Your love and Your help.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kanhaji, You always give me extra blessings

Kanhaji, whenever I ask You for something, You always give me extra and I want to thank You for that. I am sure that this is true for the rest of you reading this blog as well - whenever You ask Kanhaji for something - He gives you what you ask for and even more. This is how He is - He is always taking care of us - every day and in all ways. Kanhaji, thank You for sending me here when I wanted to come. Thank You for letting the plan of going out work out so well. Please let everything go smoothly for the next two weeks and I want to know that You are with me through it all. In Your most holy and precious name I pray.
The picture I've included is one of baby Kanha eating butter - His favourite pastime. I love pictures that portray this because they show Him in such an innocent and perfect light. This is the way that I like to think of Kanhaji.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji I need You to provide the solution

Kanhaji I need You now. I think that You are the only one who can help me. I do want to go spend the two nights - there's still so much I want to do like visit the Mandir (which I want to do today); meet my friend; go to a restaurant; return the faulty clothes; run in the park. Please Kanhaji, I'm begging You, please let there be way for me to get to stay.
Thank You for listening to me.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kanhaji shows me how much I have

Kanhaji finds little ways to show me how great certain things are - things I generally took for granted. If each one of us takes a moment to look at our lives we will realize just how much we really do have and how much Kanhaji gave to us.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to have fun

Sometimes the little things in life bring you significant joy and happiness. Kanhaji does these things on purpose to remind us of how precious life is and how important it is to appreciate these tiny pockets of happiness and everyday occurrences. Kanhaji is the only one who can do this for us and He especially does it for us when we are stressed out and wondering what the next step should be. I have been able to find significant joy and peace in something that at first was very stressful for me. Now I am much more relaxed than I was before and things have settled down nicely. Kanhaji really is the only one I can depend on to make things right for me.
He is also the only one who can help me to see the logic in situations when I want to only see the niceties. He reminds me that I have to be realistic about what I can handle in my daily life and what I cant. He helps me to see the truth even when it is painful. All of these things that He does is His divine intervention working in my life to make it better every single day. These things all add up to helping me have fun.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Kanhaji makes things alright in the end

In the beginning - when we are starting something new or when we feel like we have done something wrong - we feel very badly about it. However, as time passes, things settle down and we start feeling better because Kanhaji makes everything alright in the end. He takes care of our every need - emotional, spiritual and physical. Kanhaji should be the one we turn to first because He will always take care of us.
Today I had an altercation with my sister - her attitude is always like that of a jack spaniard - she very quickly flares up and for almost no reason at all. Anyways, she was upset that I went out and did some things without her but in the end she 'boiled down' and asked me to go somewhere with her. I guess it was somewhat of a test for me in the end to go with her and if I failed then things would have been terrible. But I did as she asked because Kanhaji guided me to and in the end the argument dissipated and now we are all friends again!
This goes to show that when someone is mad at us and upset with us - we get very hurt and sad but in the end if we ask Kanhaji for guidance - He will help us through.
The picture I've included is one of a baby Kanha in His makhan chor pose where He is just about to enjoy the butter. I love this picture because it shows how Kanhaji can manage the entire world while doing the simplest and cutest of things.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to deal with pain

Sometimes we have minor aches and pains that are due to too much exercising, the beginnings of a mild cold, or to something else. Pain can be purely physical and pain can be purely emotional. However, it doesn't matter what the source of the pain is - we feel terrible when we are in pain and the one thing that we want is for it to stop. Kanhaji helps us to deal with pain when we ask him to help and He also takes care of us by showing us how to deal with the pain - how to overcome it or how to put it aside and move on in spite of it.
I had some mild body aches today that felt unbearable because my legs hurt when I walk. That brought me to this subject of pain and dealing with pain. It also made me count my blessings concerning how healthy I am because it made me think of others who have to deal with pain every day - much more pain than I have to deal with.
Kanhaji, please help everyone who is in pain right now, even for only a second, please ease their pain and let them know that You are listening to them.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kanhaji, help me to overcome disappointment in family members

Sometimes in life family members disappoint you significantly. Time and again this has happened with my sister - she keeps acting up in a way that makes no one want to be around her. But, when people move away from her she tries to cling on and force them to be with her. She also takes out all of her frustrations on me and tries to insult me at every single turn. This makes me very unhappy and to be honest, used to affect me much more in the past. Now, when she acts like this, I turn to Kanhaji and ask that He should guide me and grant me the patience to deal with her and grant her the peace of mind to be a better person and not so confrontational and war-like all the time. I know that she is jealous of me - this is something I realized a short while ago. And her jealousy gets aggravated when I deal with her in a calm manner or when other family members talk pleasantly about me.
Once my grandmother called me for my birthday - this happened about 5 years ago - this was my Nanee. She told my mother many things about me and when my mother got off the phone she told us that my grandmother was proud of the young woman I had become and my sister was upset and said that no one ever told her that she was a good person. I think deep down she knew that we all hate her tantrums and cant stand them. Sometimes I feel very much relieved that she is out of the house and I dont have to see her or deal with her much. That has been the case for the past two weeks.
However, I wanted to go to spend some time with her and my mother. Yet she told my mother that there's no room there for me. That upset me a little because she wanted me to stay with her last week but I refused since I had a significant amount of work to complete which I would not have been able to do there. Now she's afraid that I will have fun without her. Its all so selfish on her part.
Kanhaji, the reason that I wrote this long post is to show people how they can come to You with their everyday problems. I know that when I started to come to You with these problems You helped me to solve them very quickly and for that reason I will always recommend that people trust in You because You truly make all things right in the end.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji, grant me self control

Lately, I've been putting on weight again, after I've lost 20+ pounds and it scares me a lot. I dont want to be fat again. I want to stay at the slim size I was two months ago. But, I am 6 pounds heavier than that. I would like to lose those 6 pounds once more and feel slim again. The problem is, many people who didnt see me since my initial weight loss, keep telling me how good I look and how much weight I lost. It boosts my ego but its also made me a little bit careless in my eating.
Kanhaji, I need Your help in this matter, I need to exercise the amount of self control I had previously. I need Your divine intervention and guidance in this matter Kanhaji. Please help me and help the many others who also face problems like this daily. You are our source of strength and protection. Please help us to get out of our bad habits and move towards positive ones. In Your holy name I ask this.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kanhaji, please guide me

At certain points in my life - I feel as if I need special guidance from You Kanhaji. I need to hear Your voice and to feel Your divine intervention in my life. At those times, I pray to You the hardest and I wait for an answer. At those times I realize how much You mean to me and how much I value Your opinion. Kanhaji, You are really the only one I truly trust with my all. I love You more than words can express and I hope that You continue to be in my life and continue to guide me along as You have been doing all the time.
Kanhaji, I need Your guidance for certain aspects of my life and I need You to intervene and help me to make everything okay again. I need Your help and Your love.
I dont know if anyone else reading this post ever felt at some point that Kanhaji is really the only one in control and only He can make everything alright again. Did anyone ever truly realize that if they put their faith and trust in Him alone then everything will be fine? I have and that's why I wrote this post in the form of a prayer to Kanhaji, a request for Him to continue intervening in my life.
In the picture Balaram is leaning on Kanhaji so casually - putting his weight on his younger brother fully assured that Kanhaji will support him and will not let him fall. If we follow Balaram's example then everything will be perfect in our lives.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to flourish in difficult situations

Sometimes in life its hard to feel like things are okay when they aren't and Kanhaji helps me with that that sometimes. Its not always prudent or allowable to discuss things that happen in life - but, Kanhaji always showers His blessings on us and takes care of us. This is true in every situation in life - even the difficult ones. Kanhaji takes care of us even when we are sad and things arent going our way. Then, He takes our burdens on Himself so that we can continue our lives in an easier manner.

Kanhaji helps me bring up touchy topics

Kanhaji helps me deal with things that are difficult to approach - he helps me to deal with difficult decisions and when I have to mention something that will be a touchy topic to someone, He guides me with the right words to say. Kanhaji is always there to help and I have been asking Him for help for a while now and He did help me. He always does. I know that He will do the same for you - now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kanhaji helps me when I'm sick

We all get sick - some people more than others and some people more seriously than others. However, when we are ill - one thing we know for certain - we want to be pampered. We also want people to be sympathetic and say that they'll take care of us. Kanhaji loves us very much and He does not like it when we are uncomfortable or in pain, and so, He takes care of us and tries to make us better. In some cases, what is in our destiny cant be helped very easily but if we pray to Him and truly believe that He will take care of us and make us feel better, then, He will.
I know that many of my posts come down to this - the need for unwavering faith in Kanhaji - even in times when things aren't going our way, but its true, I have seen this happen myself. Meditating on Kanhaji and believing in Him is the ONLY way to have a good life. It is the ONLY way to succeed truly and be happy in everything you do.
The picture I've included is my favourite picture of Kanhaji - He is sitting comfortably in Yashoda Maiyya's lap and she is holding Him so protectively that I always feel safe when I look at this picture. This is how we would like to be comforted and taken care of when we are ill so I included this picture.
Kanhaji, I once again thank You for being in my life and for loving me - I am sure that everyone who reads this post must be thinking the same and I ask that You shower Your divine blessings on all of us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kanhaji instils confidence in me

Sometimes I start off being very confident while doing something and I put my all into it. But, midway, when things may seem slightly shaky I start doubting my abilities and my initial confidence. However, I've realized that when I pray to Kanhaji in circumstances such as this, then He always helps me and things work out for the better in the long run. Kanhaji is always there to help me be more confident. Thank You for being with me and encouraging me Kanhaji.
Kanhaji also helps me to become more confident in the way that I deal with people and the way I project myself to others. He is the only one who can help me like that, I know this.
Trusting Kanhaji to help in times when we are lacking in much-needed confidence is always a good approach.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kanhaji is really our only support in this world

Many times in life people think that they can rely on others and they do, to the extreme. However, when that person or those people do not pull through for us, we get upset, sad and angry. Kanhaji is the only one we can truly rely on and if we remember this then we will know deep down in our hearts that we should not get too upset when people do not fulfill our wishes - after all, they are only human beings. Kanhaji is the Supreme and He will always take care of us - He may not always fulfill our wishes because those wishes may be harmful, but, He is always taking care of our best interests.
I am writing this post because I realized how much people come to rely on their parents - but parents are people too and they may get angry with us, or be disappointed in us, or be upset or hurt by something else and take it out on us. However, they still mean well. The thing is, when these things happen, we start feeling sad and scared and worried that our mothers and fathers may like our other siblings better than us, or, in some cases, someone's else's child better than us.
At the end of the day, we have to remember that parents are people too and that we are able to rely on them a lot, but not always. Kanhaji is the One who we can always rely on - no matter the situation, the circumstance, the time, He will always be with us. Remembering this will grant us with two things - first, we will not become so self-assured and pitying of children who have lost their parents and make them feel badly for not having parents, two, we will not become disappointed when our parents are upset with us. We may feel hurt, but, we will always know that in the end things will work out and Kanhaji will guide us with the correct words to say and the right things to do.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Kanhaji, give me strength

I know that I have to confront someone and let them know how I feel and how other people feel and I know that it will not be a pretty confrontation and the person will pretend to not know any of the things I'm talking about and will not admit to certain things. But the truth is, this person needs to know these things before their attitude makes things worse in our family - so bad that they may not be able to be repaired. Things should be pleasant and easygoing in a family and its not. Things are so strained and uncomfortable that it is disturbing to be around these people sometimes and I think Kanhaji, that yesterday you allowed that person to reveal their feelings to me so that I can help the situation.
But Kanhaji, confrontation is never easy and I need Your strength now more than ever. I need You to be with me, to love me, to guide me with the right words to say. For a long time now I've known that the only person I can truly turn to is You. I know that's good but I also know that a person should feel like they can rely on their family members and I dont always feel that way. I know that's wrong. I know that the way people interact on some level is different than what is a reality for us and that has to change because recently things were very different for us - different in a good way. Now they're not good.
Kanhaji, I need Your strength and guidance to help to make things better - now and always. Please help me to succeed and to say the right words when I do try.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji my mind is very restless

Yesterday I was talking to a family member and some of the things the person disclosed to me have made me feel helpless and has made my mind very restless. I dont know what to think or what to do anymore because apparently things that I thought were true arent, and other family members have changed very much. I know that I have to talk to the persons involved and let them know the feelings of the hurt parties but it just feels like too much to deal with and I somehow wish that I was away from the situation and that I was never told about it.
Kanhaji, I truly dont know what to do, I dont know where to begin or what to do to help the situation and I need You to intervene and make things good again. Kanhaji, I just cant deal with the stress of the situation and I dont want to be caught in the middle. Things are very upsetting as is and they have been for a while but I guess I never really understood or realized about the extent of the situation.
Kanhaji, help me to be able to help.
Jai Shri Krishna!