Friday, October 14, 2011

Kanhaji's most important lesson...Love

Love is the one lesson that I think that Kanhaji was sent to teach us above all others. He showed us how to love each other and how love makes us happy, happier than we ever imagined. He loved His parents - His birth and adopted parents, He loved His brother, His stepmother, His friends, the gopis and the gopas, and do you know that He loves us all? Right at this very minute that you are reading this post rest assured that Kanhaji loves you very much. So much that we will never be able to imagine it. We all think that when we fall in love that it is the most powerful feeling in the world but the love I feel for Kanhaji is so great that I know I cannot be who I am without Him. He helps me in so many different ways and to do so many different things that I thought were impossible but He merely paves the way and makes it all so easy for me. He truly does love me. Of this I am totally sure. His love has helped me deal with unhappiness, hate and negative feelings that I felt toward others. He takes care of me in such a loving manner that when I think about it all I can say is 'Jai Shri Krishna'. Focusing on Kanhaji truly helps me and I am writing all of this down and publishing it here on this blog so that others who read it can be encouraged to focus on Kanhaji and meditate on Him. Talk to Him, make Him your friend and you will feel safer. I have put several pictures of Kanhaji and Radhika Rani which portray their love for each other. Some of these moments are so precious that they make me sigh. Their story is slightly sad because they do not get to be together forever, but it just makes the moments that they did spend together quite precious indeed. There is one thing I want to say about people who feel offended that Kanhaji loved Radhaji and then married Rukminiji but the thing is, we should not take things only literally. The love that they shared was so deep and so pure that we will never understand it fully. I freely admit that of myself. I know that when we fall in love we all become slightly selfish and possessive but Radhaji's spirit was such that she never demanded anything of Kanhaji, she was content to love Him in her own way and to know that He loved her also. This is how we should view our relationship with Kanhaji - we cannot expect Him to love us alone. After all, He is God and so He will love us all. We should know that He loves us all with an intensity that we would not be able to find elsewhere and we should treasure it dearly and love Him back fully. Jai Shri Krishna!

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