Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kanhaji ka saathi

A companion, a saathi, is someone who is with you most of the time. Kanhaji is with us all the time. It would do us well to remember this. Whenever we are doing the right thing and we think that no one sees, He sees. Whenever we do the wrong thing and we think no one sees - He sees. Whenever we are happy, He is with us. When we are sad, He comforts us. When we are hungry He arranges food. When we need Him the most, we feel like we have to call on Him but the truth is He is always with us, He loves us so very much and we should remember that always. I included three pictures that show how Kanhaji changes His role in our lives to be what we need Him to be - with Balram He is a younger brother who is devoted and loving, with Maiyya Yashoda He is her son - mischievous and loving. With Radharani He is a companion, a lover, a friend. Kanhaji changes for us. Cant we change and become better people for Him? JaI Shri Krishna!

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