Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kanhaji helps us to see Him

We all have different ways of seeing God. Kanhaji is with us all the time but it doesn't mean that we see Him with our physical eyes. So too, when I speak about seeing Kanhaji I mean that we have different ways of identifying with Him. Kanhaji came here on earth, as a baby. He had a mother who bore Him for 9 months in her own body - Devkiji. He had a father who took Him to Vrindavan to protect the infant Kanhaji. There, Kanhaji got two more parents - this shows us that even from birth and a small tiny baby, Kanhaji wanted to teach us a lesson - He wanted to show us that adoption is a good deed. Adoption indicates acceptance and that the adopted children love their natural birth parents as well as their adopted parents. In fact, they may love their adopted parents more. Every time I think about Devkiji and Yashodaji I wonder about which one of them I would have liked to be in that story. Well, it was not difficult, of course I would want to be Yashodaji. She had Kanhaji's childhood - she brought Him up, she fed Him, took care of Him, sang lullabies, tucked Him in at night, kissed away His sorrows and fears - she had His love. He loved her and she loved Her son so dearly. Some of us identify with Kanhaji as a baby and a child because we like to think that we can be a mother to Him. Others can identify more easily with Him as the mischievous cowherd who used to tease the poor gopis who were all in love with Him. In this case, Radha was the most favoured and if I were to propose who I would be in this case, it would be Radha. That's because she gets Kanhaji's favouritism. He clearly loves her the best out of all the gopis. He loves them also but it is Radha who He spends the most time with. It is her name that is joined with His forever. Some of us identify with Him in this form as a lover. But Kanhaji came to earth to help us to understand Him better and to see that His lessons can reach us, however we consider Him. Jai Shri Krishna.

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