Monday, October 31, 2011

Kanhaji brings peacefulness

Peace and happiness are not granted to everyone. As a child we always think that we should grow up and get to do all the things grown ups do - tell us when to go to bed, where to go, with whom. what time we should be back. But the truth is, when we grow up we realise that sometimes growing up isn't all we thought it was. With age should come maturity. But the link is not automatic. WIth age usually comes responsibility. Responsibility teaches us what we should do and when we should do it. Kanhaji gives us responsibility so that we may learn to accept that our actions do have consequences in the long run. Kanhaji teaches us as we grow older that our mistakes cannot always be easily covered and fixed. Instead, He teaches us to accept that sometimes things are beyond our control. But the truth is, that at all times He is the one in control of our lives. Isn't that a wonderful thought? Kanhaji loves us so much that He takes the time to take care of us and make sure that we are happy. He brings us peace of mind, of hear,t of soul, of our spirit. Kanhaji loves us and always keeps us safe. He will bring us peace if we ask Him to. Jai Shri Krishna!

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