Monday, October 31, 2011

Kanhaji brings peacefulness

Peace and happiness are not granted to everyone. As a child we always think that we should grow up and get to do all the things grown ups do - tell us when to go to bed, where to go, with whom. what time we should be back. But the truth is, when we grow up we realise that sometimes growing up isn't all we thought it was. With age should come maturity. But the link is not automatic. WIth age usually comes responsibility. Responsibility teaches us what we should do and when we should do it. Kanhaji gives us responsibility so that we may learn to accept that our actions do have consequences in the long run. Kanhaji teaches us as we grow older that our mistakes cannot always be easily covered and fixed. Instead, He teaches us to accept that sometimes things are beyond our control. But the truth is, that at all times He is the one in control of our lives. Isn't that a wonderful thought? Kanhaji loves us so much that He takes the time to take care of us and make sure that we are happy. He brings us peace of mind, of hear,t of soul, of our spirit. Kanhaji loves us and always keeps us safe. He will bring us peace if we ask Him to. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Kanhaji helps with tough decisions

Sometimes we may wish to take the path of least resistance because it aids us in getting along better with people. However a friend once told me that she approaches problems in a different way - if the problem or issue with hurt someone, I should speak up. But, if the situation will hurt me, I should shout and make sure that my voice is heard. I agree with this - too often people accept what they know is not be best work of the person they have paid or interacted with. The reason is that we have become close to those people and feel badly about sending their items back or making them do things over again. We should remember that Kanhaji makes all the tough decisions for us. He also sends His healing power into our lives to make us feel better about letting Him take control. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Kanhaji's feet

Kanhaji's feet are so perfectly formed and when I look at a particular picture I have of Him, the one included above with Him on Mother Yashoda's lap, I feel that I want to hold His baby feet in my hands and place them on my head. Kanhaji loves us so very much that we should remember that our true place really is at His feet but He has given us enough power so that we can feel secure walking around and living our normal lives. We sometimes forget that He has given us the freedom to do so. We sometimes forget about His feet. Kanhaji, please bless us today. Let us all remember to touch Your feet and say... Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji ka Radhika

For many weeks I have been putting pictures of Radhikaji with Kanhaji and I just realised that I haven't really spoken about her and how many good qualities she must have had for Kanhaji to love her so truly. Radhikarani was a selfless person. She never asked Kanhaji to leave his duties behind to be bound to her. She always loved Him with all her heart and more. She always wanted to worship Him, to be around Him. Her qualities are such that we should all emulate her and try to be good devotees as she was. She was the very best and so Kanhaji gave her the status of being His one true love. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Kanhaji's directions

Kanhaji directs us in life. We must learn to listen to His divine directions. Really, do we want to trust anyone other than Him when it comes to our life's most important decisions and actions? Kanhaji will always have our best interests at heart and He will always take care of us in a way that is proper and true. He teaches us many of life's lessons time and again and it is up to us to learn them and to remember that sometimes in life the easiest way is not the best way. Kanhaji wants us to go through some hardships so that we can learn. And sometimes He wants to see how well we will remain true to His teachings. Will we continue to help others? To be kind and loving? Or will we become short-tempered and bark at those who love us? We should learn to deal with difficult situations and we should learn to recover from them. Above all, remembering that He is the one directing our very thoughts and actions makes it easier to deal with whatever situation is presented to us. If we ask for help, He will help us. Of this I am certain. I added two pictures that I like very much - Kanhaji playing His bansuri and Radha and the other gopis being attracted to the sound and to Him. I love the look He gives to Radha. The other picture is a of a baby Kanha sleeping. I love that picture because in it we get to see the essence of Him - so pure, so true, so peaceful. He came here to allow us all to love Him in the way we best identify with Him. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kanhaji, we call out to You in times of sorrow

Times of sorrow do not wait for our happy occasions to be over. Instead, they come any time. It is up to us to understand when we need Kanhaji to comfort us, to guide us, to be with us. He will always love us. Of that I am absolutely certain. But whenever we are in grief and pain we know that we need Him more. And He obliges. He wipes our tears, He hugs us, He comforts us because He loves us. Kanhaji, please be with all those who are suffering, grieving, in pain today. Please take care of them and keep them safe. Please show them that You are with them and that You will always be with them. They only have to call your name kanji and You come so quickly and You love us so wholeheartedly. Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji, Happy Diwali!

Happy Diwali! Today is the festival of lights! Prosperity and wealth will be ensure if we celebrate Diwali every year and follow the customs.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kanhaji sends His love

Kanhaji sends us His love in so many ways that when we actually stop to think about it, its amazing. Kanhaji showers His blessings on us in so many ways and we will never realise it. He sends us people to take care of us - family, relatives, friends, acquaintances, strangers even. Kanhaji sends little reminders to us throughout the day to guide us. He keeps us safe no matter what happens and He reminds us of the lessons that we want to keep in our hearts. Whenever I focus on Kanhaji I know that I will be alright. He will always be with me. I know this deep inside my soul. Kanhaji, thank You so much for loving all of us. Thank You for touching our hearts and taking care of us. Please help us to all be better people. Help us to carry out Your work and Your wishes. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Kanhaji ki marzi

Everything in life happens according to Kanhaji's wishes. This is something that we should learn to accept. And, even as I am writing this, I am struggling to accept why certain things happen, even why they happen when they do. Kanhaji, I know and I accept Your divine will. I am sorry that sometimes I still question it. Please help me to deal with this better and to accept Your wishes - now and always. Kanhaji, thank You for taking care of us according to Your grand plan for us. Thank You for helping us and for being patient with us when we need it. I want this post to be able to comfort those who have experienced loss or some negative feeling in their lives. Kanhaji knows what is happening to us and He sends the right things to us at the right times. Even when tragedy strikes I have learnt that there must be some bigger reason why things happened the way that they did - Kanhaji wanted it that way. He wanted us to live in a certain way and He wanted our lives to happen in a certain way. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Kanhaji's eyes

There is a popular song from the movie Lagaan titled 'Radha Kaise Na Jale' and in the song she talks about His eyes and how the gopis are enchanted by them. It occurred to me when I listened to that song again that I never saw pictures really focus on His eyes. I suppose that is hard to do when you are painting. However, His expressions, which are certainly linked to His eyes, are portrayed very well indeed on occasion. Kanhaji's expressions convey so much - anger at those who have committed evil, Love for those who are His true devotees, mischief when He is stealing butter and playing with His friends. No wonder Radha said that His eyes were what enchanted the gopis. Each of these pictures shows a different expression - love for Radharani, love for His mother, love for Us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kanhaji ka pyaar - Radharani is so lucky

All the stories of Kanhaji tell of His great love for Radharani. She is so lucky to have His love. Whenever I see pictures of them both I see how much love is portrayed in the paintings and muftis and I know that the creators were inspired by Kanhaji Himself to show the world how much He loves her. The picture I have chosen is my favourite one of the couple. Radharani looks coy and extremely happy. Kanhaji looks pleased with Himself that He has been able to make her happy. He loves her so much that His entire attention is focused on her. This picture is truly an example of what true love looks like. Kanhaji, please bless us all with true love that is even a fraction as strong as Your love for Radharani. Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji makes the decisions

Kanhaji controls the entire universe. Why then are we so arrogant to believe that He is not in control of our lives? We think that we are in control. We take great lengths to do things and we look forward to things, we fear them sometimes. We always feel like our station in life and our achievements are all due to our own doings. However, whenever something goes wrong, we blame is all on Kanhaji. He is always in control of our lives - the good and the bad. He keeps us safe and takes care of us. He makes our decisions because only He knows what the future holds. He knows what is good and what is bad. He knows how to do things so that we can achieve peace and happiness. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Kanhaji's love

Kanhaji shows us His love in many ways every single moment of every single day. He teaches us lessons that will help us to be good people. He helps us in every way that He can and even more. He loves us. Love - what is love? I remember speaking to my grandmother and she said that the biggest love you can ever feel is love for God. She said that when she was growing up her parents taught her, and she felt, love for her parents, her siblings, even her pets. When she grew up she heard peers say that they were in love with a particular boy/girl. She said that she never really understood how they could use the word 'love' so casually. For her, love is a powerful emotion, something that you cannot stop feeling easily. Her love for God is always a good example to me. Kanha, thank You for sending her love to me. A grandparent's love always makes a child feel extra special I think. I know this because I have experienced love from all of my grandparents and I always felt privileged when they shared stories with me. Kanhaji, You loved Yashodaji and Devikiji, Nandji and Vasudevji. You loved them all as a child should love their parents. You loved Balramji as a brother. You loved the gopas as friends. You loved Radhika and the gopis as friends and as Your lovers. I see no shame in this because the highest form of union between two people is love. Love brings people together and keeps them together. At first when I began this blog I thought that Your love for Radhika was something that I would not understand and I focused instead on Your love for Your mother. However, after reading many scriptures I realised that You came to earth to make Yourself understood by everyone. Some people needed to see You as their son, as their brother, as their friend, as their true love. You fulfilled all of these roles and so many more. Your focus on our fulfilment and happiness always strikes me Kanhaji. I do not know what else to say other than I love You. I love You and I will always love You. I hope that everyone reading this blog feels the same way too. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kanhaji ka saathi

A companion, a saathi, is someone who is with you most of the time. Kanhaji is with us all the time. It would do us well to remember this. Whenever we are doing the right thing and we think that no one sees, He sees. Whenever we do the wrong thing and we think no one sees - He sees. Whenever we are happy, He is with us. When we are sad, He comforts us. When we are hungry He arranges food. When we need Him the most, we feel like we have to call on Him but the truth is He is always with us, He loves us so very much and we should remember that always. I included three pictures that show how Kanhaji changes His role in our lives to be what we need Him to be - with Balram He is a younger brother who is devoted and loving, with Maiyya Yashoda He is her son - mischievous and loving. With Radharani He is a companion, a lover, a friend. Kanhaji changes for us. Cant we change and become better people for Him? JaI Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kanhaji's blessings

I know that I write about this a lot. But really, does Kanhaji's blessings ever truly stop? Never. He will always bless us and He will always show us. When we do wrong things He will correct us and show us the right path. Whenever we do something intentionally wrong we must atone for it. Kanhaji will help us but we must find some way to show Him that we will never do this wrong thing again. Do we have the strength? Many times we revert to bad behaviours because we find it difficult to break out of those negative behaviours. However, Kanhaji loves us so immensely that He continues to bless us in spite of our many wrongdoings. He showers His blessings on us and He guides and protects us always. I chose three pictures that show three different kinds of Kanhaji's blessings (darshan). He holds out a laddoo to us and it seems to me in this pictures that He is offering it to us, with His own hands. Can you imagine anything better? In another picture He is playing His bansuri. Just think how fortunate the people and animals were to be able to hear the lovely sound of Kanhaji playing his bansuri. Finally Kanhaji is shown to be braiding Radhaji's hair. She truly is a blessed woman to have Him care for her like that. Let us all thank Kanhaji for His blessings today, Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kanhaji ka darshan

Kanhaji gives us blessings all the time. It is up to us to discover the blessings He has given us and to find a way to use the blessings to help others and ourselves too. But, the biggest lesson I learned from Kanhaji is being unselfish. Sharing helps the loves to spread and that is really all that Kanhaji wants - for us to spread His love throughout the world. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kanhaji makes us happy unexpectedly

I find myself singing this bhajan over and over today - "Govind Jai Jai Gopal Jai Jai, Radha raman Hari Govind Jai Jai," and today, even though it has not been the best day of my life or anything, I have been inexplicably happy all day. I just feel a sense of peace and happiness coming over me that is helping me to deal with stresses in my life. I feel at ease with myself and I want to make others happy. I think that we do not really realise that a big part of our purpose here on earth is to make others happy. Of course we will be in pursuit of our own happiness, but, we must also try to make others happy. Do things for other people that will make them feel better about themselves. Say kind words, offer help and assistance when required and even when it is not required. Remember that we should always try to be happy because life is only so long. We should always want to be and try to be better people. Thank You Kanha for showing me this. I put in two pictures that make me happy. The one with Radharani and Kanhaji makes me happy because they are so much in love and it is such a nice moment that I feel happy looking at it. The other one, with Baby Kanhaji makes me happy because He looks so cute I feel extremely happy when I look at it. I hope these pictures make you happy too. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Kanhaji's most important lesson...Love

Love is the one lesson that I think that Kanhaji was sent to teach us above all others. He showed us how to love each other and how love makes us happy, happier than we ever imagined. He loved His parents - His birth and adopted parents, He loved His brother, His stepmother, His friends, the gopis and the gopas, and do you know that He loves us all? Right at this very minute that you are reading this post rest assured that Kanhaji loves you very much. So much that we will never be able to imagine it. We all think that when we fall in love that it is the most powerful feeling in the world but the love I feel for Kanhaji is so great that I know I cannot be who I am without Him. He helps me in so many different ways and to do so many different things that I thought were impossible but He merely paves the way and makes it all so easy for me. He truly does love me. Of this I am totally sure. His love has helped me deal with unhappiness, hate and negative feelings that I felt toward others. He takes care of me in such a loving manner that when I think about it all I can say is 'Jai Shri Krishna'. Focusing on Kanhaji truly helps me and I am writing all of this down and publishing it here on this blog so that others who read it can be encouraged to focus on Kanhaji and meditate on Him. Talk to Him, make Him your friend and you will feel safer. I have put several pictures of Kanhaji and Radhika Rani which portray their love for each other. Some of these moments are so precious that they make me sigh. Their story is slightly sad because they do not get to be together forever, but it just makes the moments that they did spend together quite precious indeed. There is one thing I want to say about people who feel offended that Kanhaji loved Radhaji and then married Rukminiji but the thing is, we should not take things only literally. The love that they shared was so deep and so pure that we will never understand it fully. I freely admit that of myself. I know that when we fall in love we all become slightly selfish and possessive but Radhaji's spirit was such that she never demanded anything of Kanhaji, she was content to love Him in her own way and to know that He loved her also. This is how we should view our relationship with Kanhaji - we cannot expect Him to love us alone. After all, He is God and so He will love us all. We should know that He loves us all with an intensity that we would not be able to find elsewhere and we should treasure it dearly and love Him back fully. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

my kanhaji

Always is there for me. He helps me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kanhaji makes us happy

Happiness is elusive. We become happy easily but just as easily we may become unhappy. Sometimes a feeling of unhappiness is because we feel that our lives are not working the way we would like. We feel envious of others and discontent with our own lives. In that case Kanhaji tries to help us. He always does. He sends someone to show us how good our lives really are. Or, on rare occasions, He will send a drastic change in our lives to ensure that we become happy doing what we are doing. He always takes care of us and showers His love on us so why should we think for a second that Kanhaji will leave us unhappy? He never will. He will always stand by us, loving us, helping us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kanha's blessings

Blessings come in many different forms - friends who say encouraging things, strangers who smile on the street, relatives who say kind words. All of these are Kanhaji's blessings to us and we should never take His blessings lightly. We should embrace them and love him more for sending them to us. Sometimes the blessings He gives us relate to the way we interact with other people and behave selflessly. Today I realised that people can be truly selfless and emulating them and their actions should be something that we aspire to do. Kanhaji also teaches us that loving means giving. Loving may mean doing something that will make the other person happy and yourself sad but that is the way it is. We should learn that Kanhaji will always do what is best for us and that when we offer true love to others then we are doing the right thing and following in His footsteps to be what He wants us to be. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Kanha sends us what we need

Kanha knows everything that happens in our lives and He knows what we need at every single point. And do you know that He is the one who sends us exactly what we need? He always does that. He sends us what we need and more. He takes care of us in such a loving manner that we should remember to thank Him every minute of the day, except we don't. But even that, He understands and does not blame us for. However, we should remember that whenever we feel that something is not going our way - He sent us what we need and He will give it to us always. He will send us love and affection but He will also send us stern talks and scoldings if required. In the end He will always listen to us and always guide us and always always love us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What do we offer to Kanhaji?

Offerings are a part of our religion. We provide offerings to Kanhaji to show our appreciation for His divine presence in our lives. We do this not really for Him though, we do this for ourselves, to appease our minds into thinking that we are contributing and giving back to Him. At least, that is the way that I see it. Kanhaji wants offerings that will help the world. He wants us to help others and take care of them. He wants us to give them love, compassion, care. He wants us to be happy and He wants us to make others happy with the happiness that we have been given by Him. Today we should think about what we really do offer to Kanhaji - is it enough? And if we don't think that it is enough, how can we offer more to Him, more meaningful offerings to Him will benefit not only ourselves, but others as well. Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji gives

I have realised that Kanhaji gives us whatever we need. He gives us love, happiness, joy and peace. But He also gives us trials, suffering, worry and doubt to teach us lessons. He gives us exactly what we need at exactly the right time. He gives us so much and we don't even realise it. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Kanhaji gives challenges

Life without challenges is too easy. We get too comfortable and we get bored. Kanhaji gives us challenges so that we can take ourselves to new heights. He helps us to conquer new evils and to change ourselves for the better. He keeps us safe and He helps us through the good and the bad. Challenges may sometimes hurt us, we may feel sad or upset that we did not win or we did not respond the way we would have liked. However, there are lessons to be learned from every challenge that is won and even more lessons from every challenge that is not won. I don't say lost because we don't really lose. We learn something and that means that we have gained something as well. Kanhaji challenges us and He helps us to recover from feeling sad if we are not successful in conquering our fears, our work, our challenges. He sends comfort for us in the form of relatives, friends, acquaintances, strangers and most importantly - in the form of Himself. Kanhaji loves us and will always help us and we should remember that He will never send us more than we can bear. He will always keep us safe and love us forever. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kanha makes me stronger

Strength does not come easily to many of us. Strength takes years of practice and hard work. Kanha gives us strength. He takes care of us and He loves us, always. He gives us strength when we need it and even when we don't realise that we need it. He helps us to deal with every situation in an easy way. He keeps us safe and takes care of us always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kanhaji heals

Healing occurs in many different ways. Many of us wish for miracles where healing is concerned. We want cures for diseases that hurt us, we want relief from pain and sickness. We want Kanhaji to help us right now. And He heals us. He heals our bodies, but more importantly, He heals our minds. Kanhaji heals our spirits and strengthens us to face the pains and sicknesses and diseases in the world. He gives us the strength we need to face formidable enemies and impossible situations. Kanhaji heals us and helps us to heal others. He does this so easily that we often do not even realise it until we think about it a long time later. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kanhaji gives happiness

Happiness is a state of mind. That's what everyone says. It depends on how you choose to feel at a particular point in time. I think this is true and I also think that happiness can be achieved when we focus on Kanha. Thinking about Him makes me feel better when I am sad, worried, distressed, upset or hurt. Thinking about Him makes me feel even happier when I am already happy. When I read the Srimad Bhagvatam and tales derived from it I feel jealous sometimes when I think of how lucky the gopis and the other people of Vrindavan were. Kanhaji actually interacted with them and I love reading the stories about His time in Vrindavan in particular because that is when He was the most carefree and even though He conquered many evils while there, He also played and laughed and enjoyed life. I have included pictures that I think portray happiness when interacting with Kanhaji. Jai Shri Krishna!