Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kanha's calming influence

We have all experienced extreme emotions in our lives. Emotions that make us act in ways that we normally would not - love, hate, anger, fear, emotional pain. Sometimes our actions are so out of the ordinary that afterwards we feel upset by our reactions. We cringe when we think of how loudly we screamed, cried, yelled. We feel upset that we upset the people closest to us who were trying to help us. We feel ashamed of our actions sometimes.
Out of all the emotions I mentioned earlier, anger is the one that makes me the most ashamed afterwards. I find myself saying things that hurt those around me. That upset me for being out of control. So, whenever I get angry or upset in some way that I don't want to reveal to others...I turn to Kanha. He always helps me and talking to Him makes me calmer, more confident. Turning to Kanha is easy. I just talk to Him. I think that we should remember that Kanha is always with us and we should try our hardest to remember that whenever we need Him, He is there for us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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