Friday, September 30, 2011

Loving Kanha

"When the young women of Vrindävana heard Krisha's flute song, which arouses romantic feelings, their minds were captivated by the Lord. They went to where their lover waited, each unknown to the others, moving so quickly that their earrings swung back and forth." Srimad Bhagvatam Canto 10 Chapter 29, Text 4. The Srimad Bhagvatam Canto 10 is devoted entirely to Kanha. I must confess that I have not yet read the entire thing but love seems to be the overall theme. Kanhaji loved and was loved by all. In many ways people see romantic love as evil or indulgent of our human nature only. That is true, it is a mark of us as humans that we engage in such love. But, the Srimad Bhagvatam keeps saying that Kanhaji accepts our love in any form or fashion and in fact, He allowed the different persons he interacted with to express their love for Him in different ways. I know that when people hear the stories about Kanhaji stealing the gopis' clothes and dancing with them and allowing them to fall in love with Him, they do not all approve. Many people question the relevance of such stories to the religious aspect of things. However, Kanhaji did these things for a reason. He wanted us to see that He will accept our love and devotion and that we should remember that He will not judge us. He will always take care of us and love us. At least, that is what I get from reading what I have read thus far. Kanhaji, You are truly awesome and I love You. Jai Shri Krishna!

1 comment:

  1. The stealing of the clothes signifies that Kanha will take away your materialistic attraction and reveal your true self... your soul, which truly loves him.
