Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kanhaji watches over us even when we don't know He's looking

I find it so amazing to know that even when we do not know that Kanhaji is looking at us and taking care of us, He is. He is always with us and He always tries to keep us happy and healthy and safe. He watches over us even when we are not thinking about Him and when we are not thinking about the dangers of our everyday lives. He watches over us while we sleep and even in our dreams. This morning I woke up with a very happy smile on my face because I remember that while I was asleep I dreamt that I had been singing bhajans and worshipping Kanhaji. I had been singing a bhajan that even I did not remember that I knew so well. And I was happy. I truly think that dream was sent to me to remind me that even when we have a difficult day ahead of us - Kanhaji is with us and He will make it a good day and take care of us. He will keep us safe in all things. I chose this picture because it shows Kanhaji dancing with Radharani and making her happy, but, His posture is a protective one. He has His arm around her and He is taking care of her and showing her how much He loves her. He does the same for us - He protects us and looks after our happiness all at once. Jai Shri Krishna!

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