Monday, September 26, 2011

Kanhaji ka darshan

Kanhaji gives us blessings in so many ways that it is hard to count them. He takes such good care of us and we still are ungrateful. We complain about situations in our lives. We complain about the people He sends to us. We complain about too many things when what we really should be doing is stopping to thank Kanhaji for the great life He has given to us. We should thank Him for loving us and taking care of us. We should thank Him for the people He sent to us. We should thank Him for all the decisions He made for us and for all those that He will make for us in the future. We should thank Him and trust in Him always. Kanhaji, thank You for helping us, for saving us, for making us the people we are today. For those whose lives You have not yet touched or entered, please guide them and take care of them. Please help them to see that You are in their lives. Please do for them what You did for me - somehow make a connection with them and let them see that You are always with them at every step of the way. Kanhaji thank You for giving me the strength and willpower to do the work that I have to do. Thank You for giving me Your love and protection. Please help me to do what is right and good and please help me to fulfil the life that You want me to have. I know that I use this picture (the one included in this entry) a lot but its because I like it so much. Jai Shri Krishna!

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