Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kanhaji brings love and acceptance

Love and acceptance are definitely not the same thing. We accept things when we feel that we cannot change them. We accept things because we feel that we have to do so. We love for very different reasons. Loving and accepting do go together. People always assume that they can change others to make them behave that they wish. However, in reality people rarely change. People, even as babies, tend to have personality traits that are deeply ingrained in a manner that makes it difficult to change them. There are some things that can be changed about people. There are other things that cannot. If we truly love someone then we will learn to accept the traits that we may not always agree with but have learnt that they make up a part of the person we care so much about. Loving and accepting are both important. Kanhaji loves us and accepts us. But the thing is, when we start to worship Him, we are encouraged to become different, to change ourselves. His acceptance makes us want to be even better so that we can not only impress ourselves and others, but that we can also impress Him. Jai Shri Krishna!

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