Monday, September 19, 2011

Kanhaji's power

Kanhaji works in many different ways in our lives. This is something that I have acknowledged before. But once again, I was able to see just how powerful His influence is on me. There was something I had to do over the weekend and for a long time I was angry that I was not told about it before and I even considered not attending the function. However, I am immensely grateful that I did indeed go because after I went there I felt differently about Kanhaji. I was able to think about how much He really influences my actions and how much I appreciate Him. I realise that my neglect of this blog is terrible. There was a time when I used to write every single day and include a picture as well as a quote from the Bhagvad Gita. At that time things were going so well in my life and now that I feel discontent breeding within me, I realise that I need to return to a time where I tried to be closer to Kanhaji and to make sure that He entered every part of my life.
Kanhaji, thank You for reminding me about what is truly important. Thank You for loving me and taking care of me. Please help me to remember You always and to remember to worship You in a manner that is worthy of You. Thank You for giving me the courage to accept what I want out of life and to accept that there are certain things that I cannot get. I still need Your help with so many things but I pray today that You give me the strength and the will to remember to talk to You every day.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Bhagvad Gita Quote: "O son of Prtha, know that I am the original seed of all existences, the intelligence of the intelligent, and the prowess of all powerful men." Chapter 7, Shloka 10

Second Quote: "He who knows in truth this glory and power of Mine engages in unalloyed devotional service; of this there is no doubt." Chapter 10, Shloka 7

Jai Shri Krishna!

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