Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kanhaji ka Radha

We all know that the one person Kanhaji loves above all others is Radha. I wonder what does it say about us when we get jealous of her? Sometimes I wonder how wonderful she must have been to have His love. Even women who exist today are jealous of her. I know that I am, all the time. I look at the pictures I posted in this entry and I see how much He loves her. In the first picture Kanhaji teaches her to play the bansuri, in the second, he watches as she plays on her own, proudly and lovingly and in the third, he publicly shows the other gopis that Radha is His favourite. How lucky she was indeed! Kanhaji, thank You for showing us what true and pure love looks like. Thank You for showing us that we can achieve that if we only ask You for Your help. Kanhaji, thank You for being with us and taking care of us. Jai Shri Krishna!

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