Wednesday, September 28, 2011

To the one I love

Love is a word such as none other. When we hear it we associate it with all that is good. Parents love us, siblings love us, grandparents love us to the extreme, lovers love us, husbands, wives, friends, relatives, they all love us. What about our love for Kanha? My post today is titled 'To the one I love' because Kanhaji is the one I love. I love Him so much and I cannot imagine what my life would be like without Him. Whenever I think of a situation where I cannot turn to Him, I feel scared, worried, upset and anxious. Kanhaji truly is the one I love and He will always be in my heart. I will obey Him in all things and I do hope that you feel the same way. I have included several pictures of Kanhaji with Radhaji and the way the artists express their love for each other is amazing. I can look at pictures like this and get emotional very easily. Please remember Kanhaji today and tell Him that you love Him. Jai Shri Krishna!

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