Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kanhaji, thank You for my grandmother

Today is my grandmother's 80th birthday and I am extremely grateful for her presence in my life. She has always been one person I can depend on throughout my life. Dont get me wrong, my parents have always been with me, but my grandmother had the privilege of showing me open favouritism! Some may say that this is not nice of her but such is the privilege of grandparents. She always loved me more than her other grandchildren, while she was not unkind to them, its amazing to know that someone loves you that much all the time. She and I have discussions that other people dont have with their grandmothers - about relationships, skin care, food, exercise, love, happiness. Over the years I have to say that she and I have truly become good friends and I feel myself sharing more and more of my life with her at every turn. When I am at her house I feel safe and others have an issue with serving her, but I never will. I am happy to do these things for her because it means that I love her.
Kanhaji, today my post is to thank You immensely for sending her into my life. She has always taken care of me in a special way and her presence is something that I always cherish. I am terrified of losing her and I ask You Kanha, please let her be with us for a long time again. I know it might be selfish of me to say this and ask this but I love her so much and I dont know what I would do without her.
Kanhaji, please shower Your blessings on her, please help her when she feels lonely or sad. Please help me to pay more attention to her. Thank You for Your love and for the cherished words of wisdom she offers to me.
I know the picture I've included is not Kanhaji's grandmother but I just wanted to show the importance of being kind and nice to older people - they love us so much and we should be patient and kind to them and love them, not hurt them or treat them badly. One of the things my other friends of other religions always say that they like is the way that we treat older people in Hinduism and in the indian culture in general - we know that these people have lots of wisdom to impart on us and will take care of us and love us in a way that we may not be able to understand. Kanhaji, thank You for this.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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