Monday, March 7, 2011

Kanhaji guides

Guidance comes in many forms and at different times in our lives. Kanhaji always tries to take care of us and keep us safe. He is the only one that we should trust with that because ultimately, people tend to disappoint. This is not to say that some people wont be selfless and protecting but in general, even parents may have an ulterior motive - that their children make them proud or fit into their plans. Kanhaji works in our best interests all the time and He does not manipulate us like others do. He always helps us to achieve our goals and to achieve even what we were unaware that we could.
Kanhaji, I dont want any of us to become master manipulators because while in theory the power seems attractive, I dont know how happy one will be knowing that they had to manipulate the people they love so that they themselves would be happy. Kanhaji, please help us to be able to achieve our goals and to do good and be happy without engaging in these things. Kanhaji, please keep us safe and please stay with us always so that we can always turn to You and feel Your peace and Your holiness working through us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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