Friday, March 4, 2011

Kanhaji please provide us with guidance and discipline

Sometimes it is difficult to employ the kind of discipline necessary to go through with something that you want to achieve. In times like that calling on Kanhaji for help is the best option. He will always take care of us and keep us safe and He will always provide us with the guidance that we need. Whenever I am approaching a big decision I ask for Kanhaji's help and it always works. I am sometimes amazed at how powerfully Kanhaji works in us and how much He does to please us.
Kanhaji, please provide us with guidance and discipline to do what is right always and to stay on that right path no matter what happens. Sometimes we feel pressure from friends and peers to do something that we inherently know is wrong. Please help us to stay on the right path and to do what is right no matter how pressured or alone we feel. Please provide us with Your divine healing power to help us to overcome hurts and pains and regrets. Please help us to be able to discern those who are genuine friends and those who will hurt or upset us. Please give us the strength of will needed to achieve the right thing now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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