Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kanhaji helps me to love others and myself

Too often we are prone to making ourselves look bad or feeling bad about taking acclaim where it is due. This is very bad. However, the opposite extreme, of making ourselves appear better than we are, is also very bad. They are both defence mechanisms in their own right - they allow us to portray an image that we think others would accept more readily than that which is actually true.
Kanhaji teaches us that we should always be true to ourselves and that we should learn to love who we are in spite of how much better we want to and expect to be in the future. Kanhaji is always with us and He is always helping us to benefit ourselves and to better ourselves. He takes care of us in a way that no one else can because we cannot even fathom how much He actually does for us and how much He actually loves us.
Someimtes when we are in the company of others we tend to degrade people we know and only speak about their flaws. When we know people very well we tend to criticize them more strongly than those we dont know very well. Kanhaji knows what is in our hearts and He knows how upset we may be about things. But the key is that if we share them with Him fully, if we actually tell Him, because He knows even if we dont, then our burden becomes lighter and He helps us to heal.
Kanhaji teaches us all of these things and so much more as we live our daily lives and He helps us to be the people that He intended as long as we allow ourselves to be guided and loved by Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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