Monday, March 21, 2011

Kanhaji makes everything possible

In life, things may seem impossible for us because we think that we do not have the ability to accomplish certain things or the luck to be in the right place at the right time. However, with Kanhaji all things are possible and I truly believe that He will never lead us to do the wrong thing. He will always help us and give us the presence of mind to say and do the right things. He will teach us to treat others with respect but in a firm manner - tough love. He will show us how to achieve academic excellence with proper guidance and studying. He will give us the ability to fall in love with each other and to keep and maintain our dignity.
Kanhaji is always with us and He will always guide us and help us. We have to remember that He ALWAYS does what is best for US. If He does not give us something, it is because this thing is not suitable for us. If He puts us in a difficult situation, He wants to teach us a lesson and will help us to come out of it eventually.
Kanha, thank You for making everything possible for me, for all of us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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