Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kanhaji's focus

Kanhaji thank You for my friends

I think that sometimes I am a little too softhearted and at those times my friends help me immensely. They take care of me and show me that it pays to stand up for yourself. Kanhaji always sends strong people to me to teach me about things when I thought I would falter.
Kanhaji, thank You for sending these people and thank You for loving me.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Thank You for protecting me and keeping me safe on the trip. Kanhaji I love You very much and thank You for helping me how to deal with certain situations as they came up. Kanhaji please help me to continue to work hard and to do well. I want to succeed in the end with You right by my side.
Kanhaji, please continue to guide me along the right path and please help me to do what is right by everyone around me. I recognize that You have tried to take care of me any times before this, and of course, You have succeeded.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Please help me to make the right decisions.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kanhaji, thank You for Your help

Today Kanhaji I want to thank You for Your help. You guide me and take care of me. You help me to do what is right and You protect me. Making decisions that arent fun are not always easy, but sometimes a person must do what is difficult to be right and we must always for Kanhaji's help when we think we have a difficult decision to make. He will guide us and show us how to make even these difficult decisions.
Kanhaji always shows us the right path and He protects us.
Jealousy may inevitably rear its ugly head when we compare our lives and achievements to those of others. However, Kanhaji reminds us to follow the right path and to do the best that we can instead of comparing ourselves and our lives to others.
Kanhaji, thank You for Your help in this regard and please protect us always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kanhaji You are amazing

Kanhaji, You make amazing things happen at every turn in my life and I thank You for this. Please continue to be by my side and please help me to do well. Thank You for sending people to take care of me and look after me. Thank You for guiding me with what to do and say and how to act. Thank You for giving me the blessings You have given to me - intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual. I do not know what I would do without my faith in You.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

kanhaji helps

Kanhaji helps us in little ways and gives us the extra energy burst we need to complete an important task.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kanhaji makes everything possible

In life, things may seem impossible for us because we think that we do not have the ability to accomplish certain things or the luck to be in the right place at the right time. However, with Kanhaji all things are possible and I truly believe that He will never lead us to do the wrong thing. He will always help us and give us the presence of mind to say and do the right things. He will teach us to treat others with respect but in a firm manner - tough love. He will show us how to achieve academic excellence with proper guidance and studying. He will give us the ability to fall in love with each other and to keep and maintain our dignity.
Kanhaji is always with us and He will always guide us and help us. We have to remember that He ALWAYS does what is best for US. If He does not give us something, it is because this thing is not suitable for us. If He puts us in a difficult situation, He wants to teach us a lesson and will help us to come out of it eventually.
Kanha, thank You for making everything possible for me, for all of us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kanhaji helps me to not feel afraid

People get scared sometimes. Its normal. We all feel it. However, there are reasons to be scared and reasons to have confidence and faith that Kanhaji will show you the way and guide You to safety. He will take care of you if you ask Him to.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kanhaji I need to borrow Your strength

We all need to borrow Kanhaji's strength every now and then and He always offers it to us. Kanhaji will always guide us and protect us and He will give us the strength that we need when we need it. He will encourage us to pursue our goals and to do the right thing always. He will help us to make decisions, even if they are difficult ones. He will help us to be the best that we can be and to always remember to take care of others. Kanhaji will always love us and He will always do what is right for us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Kanhaji motivates me

Sometimes when we look at how much work we have left to finish, we feel overwhelmed. I know that happens with me a lot. However, Kanhaji helps us to be motivated and He pulls us through to show us that we have the intellectual capability to accomplish the task with His help. Kanhaji, thank You for helping me today and everyday to accomplish my tasks. Thank You for Your love.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kanhaji is always with me

Whenever I feel scared or worried I remember that Kanhaji is always with me and that I should not fear anything now or in the future because He will help me to achieve my goals and He will help me to plan my life in the appropriate manner to allow me to do my best.
Kanhaji, thank You for reassuring me when things get scary or hectic. Thank You for loving me and keeping me safe always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kanhaji sends unexpected, but much needed, blessings

We have all experienced unexpected blessings that are also much needed by us. Kanhaji gives us these things and He takes care of us. He loves us and wishes to protect us in every way - from all forms of harm and hurt. This is why He sends us His blessings in even unexpected forms. He also connects us to people in ways that we never thought possible or didnt even want to be connected in. Kanhaji is to be trusted and loved always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kanhaji helps us to concentrate

Its often difficult to maintain concentration on one thing for a very long period of time. Kanhaji is aware of this difficulty for us and He helps us to concentrate about the things that are most important for us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Kanhaji helps us to rest

Sometimes we wear ourselves down by working non-stop. Kanhaji tells us when to take some time for ourselves and just rest. He ensures that we are healthy and happy. Many times when we lack rest or sleep or peace of mind, our bodies and minds are in turmoil and we feel on edge and upset. We may be short-tempered with others and cause them to be hurt. This makes us guilty, when we hurt others. Kanhaji knows what we should do and He knows how to take care of us. He keeps us safe and guides us always to do right. Resting is also right because it helps us maintain peace in our spirits and souls. Thank You Kanhaji for showing us that these little things will help us in the long run.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kanhaji shows me love

Kanhaji chooses the most unexpected times to show me love. He helps me and takes care of me in ways that I never thought possible and in areas in which I didnt think I would be able to receive help from Him. But, how foolish of me because Kanhaji can help in every aspect of our lives, all the time.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kanhaji helps me to love others and myself

Too often we are prone to making ourselves look bad or feeling bad about taking acclaim where it is due. This is very bad. However, the opposite extreme, of making ourselves appear better than we are, is also very bad. They are both defence mechanisms in their own right - they allow us to portray an image that we think others would accept more readily than that which is actually true.
Kanhaji teaches us that we should always be true to ourselves and that we should learn to love who we are in spite of how much better we want to and expect to be in the future. Kanhaji is always with us and He is always helping us to benefit ourselves and to better ourselves. He takes care of us in a way that no one else can because we cannot even fathom how much He actually does for us and how much He actually loves us.
Someimtes when we are in the company of others we tend to degrade people we know and only speak about their flaws. When we know people very well we tend to criticize them more strongly than those we dont know very well. Kanhaji knows what is in our hearts and He knows how upset we may be about things. But the key is that if we share them with Him fully, if we actually tell Him, because He knows even if we dont, then our burden becomes lighter and He helps us to heal.
Kanhaji teaches us all of these things and so much more as we live our daily lives and He helps us to be the people that He intended as long as we allow ourselves to be guided and loved by Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kanhaji brings peace and success

Kanhaji alwAys allows us to find our inner peace. He also guides us to achieve success

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kanhaji helps me and tells me to help others

When someone helps you unexpectedly and does extra things for you without your asking - who do you think has inspired them to do so? Kanhaji of course! He knows when we need help the most and He sends it to us. He also knows when we can help others and allows us, inspires us, to help others.
Last week when I went to the mandir for Shivratri the pundit was telling us the importance of offering your talent for God's use. He said that if you know that the temple has a function and that you can make good halwa and they need halwa, then you must offer your services since this is serving Kanhaji as well.
I have long since realized that when little miracles happen, its all because of Kanhaji's presence in my life. Sometimes I see an old friend, or someone I desperately want to see, sometimes someone helps me without my asking. Other times Kanhaji offers me a chance to be happy when I usually would have been upset about something. He always takes care of me and loves me.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kanhaji, You give me confidence

Confidence is necessary for success. We have to believe that we can achieve something before we actually achieve it. I am sure of this. Kanhaji, whenever I feel at a loss concerning doing something, You are always there to remind me that things are not lost and that You are always with me, helping me, showing me the right way to do things and to achieve everything. Kanhaji, You do this for all of us, whether we realize it or not and I thank You for that.
Please Kanhaji, let anyone who is reading this and does not have the confidence necessary to achieve what they wish to achieve, get that confidence and help and assistance to be the best and do the best.
Kanhaji, thank You for Your love and Your protection.
I think we should all remember in the Bhagvad Gita when Arjuna confided in Kanhaji and said that he was scared of fighting all the leaders and great warriors he himself trained under and considered his elders, Kanhaji reminded him that He was always with him and would always help him to achieve. He encouraged Arjuna to go on with the battle. This is the power of Kanhaji's presence in our lives.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kanhaji, thank You for my grandmother

Today is my grandmother's 80th birthday and I am extremely grateful for her presence in my life. She has always been one person I can depend on throughout my life. Dont get me wrong, my parents have always been with me, but my grandmother had the privilege of showing me open favouritism! Some may say that this is not nice of her but such is the privilege of grandparents. She always loved me more than her other grandchildren, while she was not unkind to them, its amazing to know that someone loves you that much all the time. She and I have discussions that other people dont have with their grandmothers - about relationships, skin care, food, exercise, love, happiness. Over the years I have to say that she and I have truly become good friends and I feel myself sharing more and more of my life with her at every turn. When I am at her house I feel safe and others have an issue with serving her, but I never will. I am happy to do these things for her because it means that I love her.
Kanhaji, today my post is to thank You immensely for sending her into my life. She has always taken care of me in a special way and her presence is something that I always cherish. I am terrified of losing her and I ask You Kanha, please let her be with us for a long time again. I know it might be selfish of me to say this and ask this but I love her so much and I dont know what I would do without her.
Kanhaji, please shower Your blessings on her, please help her when she feels lonely or sad. Please help me to pay more attention to her. Thank You for Your love and for the cherished words of wisdom she offers to me.
I know the picture I've included is not Kanhaji's grandmother but I just wanted to show the importance of being kind and nice to older people - they love us so much and we should be patient and kind to them and love them, not hurt them or treat them badly. One of the things my other friends of other religions always say that they like is the way that we treat older people in Hinduism and in the indian culture in general - we know that these people have lots of wisdom to impart on us and will take care of us and love us in a way that we may not be able to understand. Kanhaji, thank You for this.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Kanhaji guides

Guidance comes in many forms and at different times in our lives. Kanhaji always tries to take care of us and keep us safe. He is the only one that we should trust with that because ultimately, people tend to disappoint. This is not to say that some people wont be selfless and protecting but in general, even parents may have an ulterior motive - that their children make them proud or fit into their plans. Kanhaji works in our best interests all the time and He does not manipulate us like others do. He always helps us to achieve our goals and to achieve even what we were unaware that we could.
Kanhaji, I dont want any of us to become master manipulators because while in theory the power seems attractive, I dont know how happy one will be knowing that they had to manipulate the people they love so that they themselves would be happy. Kanhaji, please help us to be able to achieve our goals and to do good and be happy without engaging in these things. Kanhaji, please keep us safe and please stay with us always so that we can always turn to You and feel Your peace and Your holiness working through us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kanhaji blesses us in ways we will not even know of

Many times in life little upsets happen - things that we didnt plan - we make a wrong turn, we forget something we need and have to return for it, thus delaying our journey significantly. However, Kanhaji sees all and knows all and when these things happen I always think that Kanhaji did that to help us and to take care of us and save us from some pain. Kanhaji, thank You for looking out for us in this manner and please help us to continue to trust in You even when we feel like things are hard on us. Please help us to do what is right and to keep everyone we love safe and to learn to respect others regardless of what we think that their position or lives are like. Kanhaji, please help us to remember You at all times - good and bad. Kanhaji, thank You for taking care of us all and I ask that You please continue to take care of and bless us in the future.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kanhaji please bless those I love

In my life there are many people I love. Today is a special day for one of them and Kanhaji I would like to ask that You shower Your divine blessings especially on that person and on others who are also having a special day. Kanhaji, please help us all to realize that when we celebrate, we should also call on You to join in the celebrations and that we should remember to thank You for the chance to celebrate so happily.
Kanhaji, thank You for giving us the presence of mind and the feeling to be able to be close to each other and to hold on to each other. Kanhaji thank You for helping us all to realize the value of loving others and caring for others. Thank You for blessing us in small ways when we ask for Your guidance. Kanhaji, please help us to do what is right always and to remember that Your love is the most important thing in the world.
Thank You for protecting me and caring about me today and every day. Please continue to bless and protect those I love since I will be unable to be who I am without them.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kanhaji please provide us with guidance and discipline

Sometimes it is difficult to employ the kind of discipline necessary to go through with something that you want to achieve. In times like that calling on Kanhaji for help is the best option. He will always take care of us and keep us safe and He will always provide us with the guidance that we need. Whenever I am approaching a big decision I ask for Kanhaji's help and it always works. I am sometimes amazed at how powerfully Kanhaji works in us and how much He does to please us.
Kanhaji, please provide us with guidance and discipline to do what is right always and to stay on that right path no matter what happens. Sometimes we feel pressure from friends and peers to do something that we inherently know is wrong. Please help us to stay on the right path and to do what is right no matter how pressured or alone we feel. Please provide us with Your divine healing power to help us to overcome hurts and pains and regrets. Please help us to be able to discern those who are genuine friends and those who will hurt or upset us. Please give us the strength of will needed to achieve the right thing now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kanhaji helps us to overcome our fears

Sometimes there are things in life that terrify us - whether it be something physical or some emotion. Kanhaji understands all of our fears and He tries to assuage them. He always guides us and takes care of us. He wants to keep us safe always because He loves us. Kanhaji, thank You for everything You have done for me and thank You for the opportunities You present to me to help me really understand who I am, who I want to be and what is right and wrong. Kanhaji, thank You for showing me what it means to be truly devoted. Kanhaji please continue to be with me always because I know that without Your help and divine intervention in my life, things would not have been the way that they are.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kanhaji helps us react

Sometimes in life situations require us to react in a dignified manner. We may not always rise to the occassion sometimes, and other times, we will definitely rise to the occassion and do what is right and only that. Kanhaji helps us to react in ways that help us to maintain our dignity. He helps us to learn how to deal with those who show us disdain or treat us badly. He teaches us how to move on from a bad friendship, or relationship and how to find a better one. Kanhaji takes care of us and loves us always. He is the one who will be with us through everything and we need to remember this always. He is the one we should trust on and depend on to guide us.
Kanhaji, thank You for Your divine protection and Your love. Please help us to be good people always and help everyone reading this blog to want to know You better and to trust in You with all their hearts.
Jai Shri Krishna!