Friday, September 30, 2011

Loving Kanha

"When the young women of Vrindävana heard Krisha's flute song, which arouses romantic feelings, their minds were captivated by the Lord. They went to where their lover waited, each unknown to the others, moving so quickly that their earrings swung back and forth." Srimad Bhagvatam Canto 10 Chapter 29, Text 4. The Srimad Bhagvatam Canto 10 is devoted entirely to Kanha. I must confess that I have not yet read the entire thing but love seems to be the overall theme. Kanhaji loved and was loved by all. In many ways people see romantic love as evil or indulgent of our human nature only. That is true, it is a mark of us as humans that we engage in such love. But, the Srimad Bhagvatam keeps saying that Kanhaji accepts our love in any form or fashion and in fact, He allowed the different persons he interacted with to express their love for Him in different ways. I know that when people hear the stories about Kanhaji stealing the gopis' clothes and dancing with them and allowing them to fall in love with Him, they do not all approve. Many people question the relevance of such stories to the religious aspect of things. However, Kanhaji did these things for a reason. He wanted us to see that He will accept our love and devotion and that we should remember that He will not judge us. He will always take care of us and love us. At least, that is what I get from reading what I have read thus far. Kanhaji, You are truly awesome and I love You. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kanhaji watches over us even when we don't know He's looking

I find it so amazing to know that even when we do not know that Kanhaji is looking at us and taking care of us, He is. He is always with us and He always tries to keep us happy and healthy and safe. He watches over us even when we are not thinking about Him and when we are not thinking about the dangers of our everyday lives. He watches over us while we sleep and even in our dreams. This morning I woke up with a very happy smile on my face because I remember that while I was asleep I dreamt that I had been singing bhajans and worshipping Kanhaji. I had been singing a bhajan that even I did not remember that I knew so well. And I was happy. I truly think that dream was sent to me to remind me that even when we have a difficult day ahead of us - Kanhaji is with us and He will make it a good day and take care of us. He will keep us safe in all things. I chose this picture because it shows Kanhaji dancing with Radharani and making her happy, but, His posture is a protective one. He has His arm around her and He is taking care of her and showing her how much He loves her. He does the same for us - He protects us and looks after our happiness all at once. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

To the one I love

Love is a word such as none other. When we hear it we associate it with all that is good. Parents love us, siblings love us, grandparents love us to the extreme, lovers love us, husbands, wives, friends, relatives, they all love us. What about our love for Kanha? My post today is titled 'To the one I love' because Kanhaji is the one I love. I love Him so much and I cannot imagine what my life would be like without Him. Whenever I think of a situation where I cannot turn to Him, I feel scared, worried, upset and anxious. Kanhaji truly is the one I love and He will always be in my heart. I will obey Him in all things and I do hope that you feel the same way. I have included several pictures of Kanhaji with Radhaji and the way the artists express their love for each other is amazing. I can look at pictures like this and get emotional very easily. Please remember Kanhaji today and tell Him that you love Him. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kanhaji ka Radha

We all know that the one person Kanhaji loves above all others is Radha. I wonder what does it say about us when we get jealous of her? Sometimes I wonder how wonderful she must have been to have His love. Even women who exist today are jealous of her. I know that I am, all the time. I look at the pictures I posted in this entry and I see how much He loves her. In the first picture Kanhaji teaches her to play the bansuri, in the second, he watches as she plays on her own, proudly and lovingly and in the third, he publicly shows the other gopis that Radha is His favourite. How lucky she was indeed! Kanhaji, thank You for showing us what true and pure love looks like. Thank You for showing us that we can achieve that if we only ask You for Your help. Kanhaji, thank You for being with us and taking care of us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Kanhaji ka darshan

Kanhaji gives us blessings in so many ways that it is hard to count them. He takes such good care of us and we still are ungrateful. We complain about situations in our lives. We complain about the people He sends to us. We complain about too many things when what we really should be doing is stopping to thank Kanhaji for the great life He has given to us. We should thank Him for loving us and taking care of us. We should thank Him for the people He sent to us. We should thank Him for all the decisions He made for us and for all those that He will make for us in the future. We should thank Him and trust in Him always. Kanhaji, thank You for helping us, for saving us, for making us the people we are today. For those whose lives You have not yet touched or entered, please guide them and take care of them. Please help them to see that You are in their lives. Please do for them what You did for me - somehow make a connection with them and let them see that You are always with them at every step of the way. Kanhaji thank You for giving me the strength and willpower to do the work that I have to do. Thank You for giving me Your love and protection. Please help me to do what is right and good and please help me to fulfil the life that You want me to have. I know that I use this picture (the one included in this entry) a lot but its because I like it so much. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Every time I look at pictures of Baby Krishna, I feel so happy to know that Kanhaji came here to earth, to be among us as a baby to show us that we must love and live in different ways and that we must love everyone. He taught us so much while he was here and now when I read the stories of His childhood escapades, or even those as a teenager, I feel so safe. Knowing that Kanhaji was here, He saw what it is like here. He sees it every single day. The truth is, Kanhaji may come to earth here at any time. He can come for a few seconds, a few minutes, a few hours, for a longer period of time even. He can come here to show us what to do. However, it is up to us to recognise Him and to agree that we must love Him in order to see these things that He wants us to see. Kanhaji will always be with us if we ask Him to stay with us. He will help us to get our lives back on track if we feel like things are not going well. He will help us to see who our true friends are. He will take care of us like a father, brother. He will always protect us and keep us safe. If we call in Him, in whatever form we wish to worship Him, I am sure that He will always be here with me. Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji gives us signals

Signals and signs are a part of every single language in the world. Kanhaji gives us signs and signals to guide the way that we carry out our activities also. He helps us to learn to do the right thing and He shows us how to be good people. Kanhaji loves us and cares for us always. He keeps us safe. Of this I am certain. But, He does not always give us the easy way out in life. He lets us make our own decisions and in doing so, He lets us choose to follow His signs or not to follow them. Sometimes we may realise that He was trying to tell us something only after it has happened. However, we can use those times, when things do not go as smoothly as we would have liked, to learn from those occurrences. We can use His love to make us stronger and we can learn to be better people in the long run. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

kanhaji helps us to help others

Kanhaji likes it when we help people. He takes care of us and keeps us safe not only for ourselves but also for others.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kanhaji brings love and acceptance

Love and acceptance are definitely not the same thing. We accept things when we feel that we cannot change them. We accept things because we feel that we have to do so. We love for very different reasons. Loving and accepting do go together. People always assume that they can change others to make them behave that they wish. However, in reality people rarely change. People, even as babies, tend to have personality traits that are deeply ingrained in a manner that makes it difficult to change them. There are some things that can be changed about people. There are other things that cannot. If we truly love someone then we will learn to accept the traits that we may not always agree with but have learnt that they make up a part of the person we care so much about. Loving and accepting are both important. Kanhaji loves us and accepts us. But the thing is, when we start to worship Him, we are encouraged to become different, to change ourselves. His acceptance makes us want to be even better so that we can not only impress ourselves and others, but that we can also impress Him. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kanha ka khanna

We should always try to eat holy food, that Kanha would like us to eat. When I was little I went to pujas and I always heard people say that eating parsed is considered a gift and that we should never refuse parsad. Only when I got older did I really realise the importance of eating food that Kanha has blessed for us. He has actually put His hand out to say that He blessed the food and that is like him feeding it to us. I never really understood that, but now that I do I try to go to places where parsad is being shared and offered. I try to eat it before I have special occasions and I offer my own honey and milk to Him and drink the rest so that I too may feel like I fed him and He accepted it. Food has long since been praised as being a healer and cursed as being responsible for disease and hardship. Certain foods upset us, certain foods help us to become calmer. Food is important, but asking Kanha's blessing on our food is even more important. Kanha, thank You for blessing my food and helping me to understand what I should eat and what I shouldn't. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Kanhaji provides assistance

Kanhaji always provides us with assistance when we need Him. He takes care of our every little need in ways that even we did not imagine was possible. He sends others to help us, to guide us, to show us that we too can succeed and we should do so with a cheerful spirit. He sends us examples of good living. He sends us warnings of how not to be. He even sends us persons to help so that He might see how well His teachings have made an impression on us and who we wish to become. Kanhaji will always be with us and He is always with us. We merely have to remember that and call on Him to stay with us always and to always help us to do the right thing. Kanhaji will help us if we need Him, of this I am certain. Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji's power

Kanhaji works in many different ways in our lives. This is something that I have acknowledged before. But once again, I was able to see just how powerful His influence is on me. There was something I had to do over the weekend and for a long time I was angry that I was not told about it before and I even considered not attending the function. However, I am immensely grateful that I did indeed go because after I went there I felt differently about Kanhaji. I was able to think about how much He really influences my actions and how much I appreciate Him. I realise that my neglect of this blog is terrible. There was a time when I used to write every single day and include a picture as well as a quote from the Bhagvad Gita. At that time things were going so well in my life and now that I feel discontent breeding within me, I realise that I need to return to a time where I tried to be closer to Kanhaji and to make sure that He entered every part of my life.
Kanhaji, thank You for reminding me about what is truly important. Thank You for loving me and taking care of me. Please help me to remember You always and to remember to worship You in a manner that is worthy of You. Thank You for giving me the courage to accept what I want out of life and to accept that there are certain things that I cannot get. I still need Your help with so many things but I pray today that You give me the strength and the will to remember to talk to You every day.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Bhagvad Gita Quote: "O son of Prtha, know that I am the original seed of all existences, the intelligence of the intelligent, and the prowess of all powerful men." Chapter 7, Shloka 10

Second Quote: "He who knows in truth this glory and power of Mine engages in unalloyed devotional service; of this there is no doubt." Chapter 10, Shloka 7

Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kanha's calming influence

We have all experienced extreme emotions in our lives. Emotions that make us act in ways that we normally would not - love, hate, anger, fear, emotional pain. Sometimes our actions are so out of the ordinary that afterwards we feel upset by our reactions. We cringe when we think of how loudly we screamed, cried, yelled. We feel upset that we upset the people closest to us who were trying to help us. We feel ashamed of our actions sometimes.
Out of all the emotions I mentioned earlier, anger is the one that makes me the most ashamed afterwards. I find myself saying things that hurt those around me. That upset me for being out of control. So, whenever I get angry or upset in some way that I don't want to reveal to others...I turn to Kanha. He always helps me and talking to Him makes me calmer, more confident. Turning to Kanha is easy. I just talk to Him. I think that we should remember that Kanha is always with us and we should try our hardest to remember that whenever we need Him, He is there for us.
Jai Shri Krishna!