Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kanhaji takes care of me

Now this may sound self-centred but the most important person you shuold take care of is yourself. You should take care of you and try to be the best you can be - take care of those around you as well because sometimes people are too busy with their everyday lives to really stop and see how things are affecting them negatively. The stress, the run around, the whole thing about daily living is that we must set aside some time for ourselves and for Kanha. We need to remember that He is the most important person in our lives and He will remind us that we are also very important and that we can only worship Him fully if we are fit and fine and hale and hearty. Therefore, we need to take care of ourselves and always follow His divine instructions.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Kanhaji works in mysterious ways

I sometimes cant understand the way that Kanhaji works and what really is in His master plan. I love Him very much and I will always trust Him to do what is right but sometimes I do wonder why He chose that particular lesson to teach me at that particular time. I know that Kanhaji knows how much I love Him and sometimes He tries to show me that there are different ways to show love to Him and that I should remember to also show love to the people around me who I care about - my family members, my friends, my acquaintances.
Kanhaji, thank You for Your love and for the work that You have done in my life.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kanhaji - my friend

Friends are people we turn to with our every thought. That's how I feel about Kanhaji. Friends are people who comfort us when we are hurting, help us celebrate when we are happy, support us when we need it and that's truly how I feel about Kanhaji. Friends are the family members you would choose if you had the opportunity to choose who your family was. Kanhaji sent us friends to help us here on earth and He sent Himself to be our best friend of all. Thank You Kanhaji for being our friend and for taking care of us always. Thank You for listening in a true friendly manner. Thank You for granting our wishes and for making us feel better about ourselves.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kanhaji tells me when I need to rest

A lot of us get carried away with our everyday lives and sometimes we work ourselves sick - to the point of absolute exhaustion when we know that we cant do any more. We should try to listen to Kanhaji's cues in our lives which tell us when we need to slow down and rest. He is always listening to us and always taking care of our needs but we need to listen to Him when He gives us advice that we know deep down, is good for us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kanhaji gives me subtle hints

Sometimes we have our minds made up on something that we want to happen and it doesnt happen. That's okay. Kanhaji has a greater plan for us - He will take care of us and show us that the plan we had for ourselves pales in comparison to the one He wants us to experience. I believe that is true - Kanhaji is the one I can always trust and always count on. He loves me and I love Him - now and always.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Kanhaji is the one I need

Kanhaji is the One we need in our lives. He is Supreme and He will always stand by us no matter what happens. Kanhaji will remind us how to act in subtle ways - He will take care of us and love us and keep us safe. This is how He works.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to recover

Sometimes things happen in life and we all find it hard to come to terms with. This happens to everyone on the face of the earth I believe. I think that we all know that sometimes we may be in denial about certain things because we feel that we did not do all that we could have done to have things work our way. We feel helpless, scared, alone, upset, worried and most of all...regret. However, these feelings are not ones that we should hold on to for long since they have a tendency to impact us negatively. Kanhaji is the one we love, now and always and we should remember Him in times of distress and call on Him to help us to recover from negative feelings. He always takes care of us in every single way.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kanhaji, every day is a learning experience. Thank You!

Every day in our lives is a learning experience - we learn so many things as the day goes on that sometimes we don't even realize but later we say 'oh I once saw it done this way' or 'my (insert relative title) told me that this happened' and you file the information away for the future without evern realizing it until something comes up to remind you about it and - there it is!
Kanhaji, I know that all of this is due to You and only You - You take such good care of us every single day and You make sure that we are fine. Thank You for healing my hand. It certainly feels better but I do believe that some more rest is just what I need. Thank You for that also Kanhaji, thank You for making sure that I am functioning properly. Kanhaji, thank You for the little blessings. Thank You for being there for me. Please continue to guide me to complete the tasks that I've started. In Your holy name I pray - Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kanhaji guides my days

Days can be planned to the tightest schedule by us but Kanhaji often intervenes to show us what our real day should look like - planning schemes in terms of what He thinks that we should accomplish, what He thinks we shouldn't, how much He wants us to take on and how much He wants us to let go. All of these things are planned by Him alone.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kanhaji calms me down

Sometimes I feel fretful and fearful about certain things in my life. When I take the time to pray and ask Kanhaji for His help, He always provides a solution. Something I know I will be happy with because its something He has chosen for me. Kanhaji shows me how I can accomplish what I previously felt was impossible. He is truly my source of strength. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kanhaji's wisdom

Kanhaji always grants me the wisdom to see things from different angles and to understand how to approach a situation.

Kanhaji's strength

Is something I know I can always rely on.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kanhaji opens my eyes

Sometimes we dont want to admit that certain things are happening in our lives - that certain changes are taking place, more quickly than we would have liked. Kanhaji guides us when things get to be too much for us. He helps us to face the reality in time to stop our complete downfall. Kanhaji is the one we must always trust. Kanhaji is the one I love - now and always.
I know how hard I have to work to achieve certain things - everything in life worth getting requires hard work! I know how hard Kanhaji wants me to work and how much He is supporting me. He is the one I can always turn to when things get difficult and He will always guide me out of the difficulty into the light away from the darkness. Kanhaji is the one I trust - now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji shows me love

Love is all around us. We just dont see it all the time because we may be rushing to and from activities, we may not want to see it because we have just come out of a bad relationship and think that no one else deserves to be in love because we cant be in love. Love is all around us and its up to us to choose to fall in love. I say it like this because I have always found that there is only one flaw with the way that human beings feel emotions - and its also a strength actually - we find it so much easier to accept new love than to sever old love. Think about how happy we are when new people join our families - births, marriages, adoptions, friendships. We are always happy to accommodate new people in our midst. But, when anything bad happens and we have to sever ties with people - it hurts, even if the person wasn't directly related to us - we feel the loss of separation through divorce, friendships gone sour, loved ones gone on to the great beyond. We hurt, we cry, we feel depressed, and sad and upset and worried. But, we get over it eventually, in some way, yes, we do. Still, some semblance of the pain always remains.
I know that many of the great religions of the world preach the idea of forgiving and forgetting. The forgiving part is hard but its not as difficult as the forgetting. Forgetting is very difficult.
Kanhaji has helped me to learn to forgive many people for wrong things they've done to me. He has taught me to forgive myself for doing wrong things to others and to myself. He has taught me that sometimes forgetting is something you have to work at - you have to work on forgetting the pain that was caused, on forgetting the mistakes that you made because only then can you move on.
Jai Shri Krishna.

Kanhaji teaches me life's lessons

Sometimes we get sick - not very badly ill but sick enough so that we start putting things in perspective - how we live our lives, how we treat the people we love, how we treat strangers, how we treat God, how we treat food and blessings and work. Getting a mild illness makes us feel weak, miserable, sad, unable to help ourselves, like we should be pampered. But, I think what getting this illness has done for me the most is its made me realize that the most important things arent about partying, having fun 24/7 or working all the time either. Life is about balance and sometimes your body gets sick to wake up your mind to the idea that you should rest a little - give your body some time to collect itself, to recuperate, to be whole again.
Kanhaji, thank You for being with me throughout the worst of this. It really was very bad sometimes and You stood by me right through. I think I need to rest some more but I'll see how I feel tomorrow and then I'll know if I can do the things I planned.
Thank You for helping me to feel better today.
Jai Shri Krishna.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kanhaji makes difficult decisions easy

Kanhaji is always with me and He has the ability to make even the most difficult decisions easy. He has taught me to trust my instincts and only now have I realized that the instincts that I've been trusting really are His words impressed on my mind to help me. Kanhaji, thank You for being with me always. Thank You for helping me to learn life's lessons - the simple and the difficult. Thank You for guiding me to do the right thing always and thank You for helping me to be the person I am today.
Kanhaji, please help those around me who are not understanding that they need to trust You more. Who dont understand that it's important to be good to the people who care about us as people instead of taking them for granted. Kanhaji, thank You for Your love which I am not always able to understand at the moment but later, most of the time, I do recognize Your divine presence all around me - all the time, every single day. Thank You for filling me with a sense of self-preservation so that I can do things that make me happy and not make things difficult for me.
Thank You for helping me to see that a certain sense of self is important because sometimes total selflessness breeds resentment which only leads to negativity in the long run and none of that is good.
Please take care of those I love and care about now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kanhaji ka Shakti

Shakti equals power. Today I felt really ill for a large portion of the day. In fact, I'm still feeling slightly ill but Kanhaji's power has made me feel better so that I dont have to sit around feeling sorry for myself. It also helps that I have thus far been able to keep the Nowratan fast. This is perhaps one of the most important fasting periods for a Hindu - this is something I know with certainty because as a child growing up in school - they would remind us continuously about this Nowratan fast and about the importance of it to the three female deities being worshipped at this time - Durga Mataa, Saraswati Maa, Lakshmi Maiyya.
Kanhaji, thank You for sending powerful women in this world and for allowing me to become one of them. I truly believe that I have the potential to be a very powerful woman, but not one who wields power loudly, one who does so with Your strength and guidance - in a circumspect manner.
Someone looking at this blog might say that I chose an incorrect picture to demonstrate Shakti but the reality is that Shakti is demonstrated here in the choice You made to let Yashoda Maa capture You and tie You as she wanted. You showed the power to love, which, after all, is the greatest power of them all!
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kanhaji, thank You for Your strength

Thank You for being there for me when I feel overwhelmed and when I feel like I cant function anymore. Thank You for Your love and Your protection. Please take care of everyone I love and care about and please let me be able to always recognize Your strength and to take care of those around me who are weaker than I am. Kanhaji, thank You for making me who I am and thank You for helping me to become a better person over the years.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Kanhaji, I don't want to be sick

I feel like I'm getting ill and I don't want that to happen since I have so much work to do. Kanhaji, I just feel so sleepy all the time and I dont want to be ill. I know that someone else that I care about is sick now. Please be with that person Kanhaji. Please let your healing power be showered on that person and make that person well again. Even though they dont know it, I am praying for them. Please let things be okay.
In Your holy name I ask for the strength and guidance that I need to move from a state of almost total lethargy to one where I can be more productive. Thank You for staying with me now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Kanhaji - mithai

Today I had many sweet treats - especially chocolate treats. I think I was in a sweet mood. However, I felt slightly guilty after because now I know that I need to cut down for the rest of the week if I dont want to gain weight.
I've been gaining a little recently and I really dont want it to persist. Anyhow, I digress because I have forgotten that I want to say that Kanhaji sometimes want to remind us to enjoy life to the fullest - to live, to laugh, to love.

Kanhaji - khushi

Kanhaji - dosti

Kanhaji - pyaar

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kanhaji loves me

Kanhaji loves me so much He always takes care of me. This is a love that I cannot feel enough of and I love that I want to experience always. I am sure that I will because Kanhaji is great and He is the one who takes care of us all.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kanhaji ka pyaar

Kanhaji's love is all around us - every day and in every possible way. I realize now just how many blessings Kanhaji has given to me. He has given me His protection, His guidance, His love, renewed self-confidence, renewed faith in Him which is something I am most thankful for. Without Kanhaji in my life I know that things would have been significantly different and Kanhaji I thank You for coming into my life in the out-of-the-blue way that You did.
Kanhaji, thank You for all the gifts and talents You have given to me in this life - my intellect, my personality, my love. I know how much love exists within me and I know that You put it in there so that I can truly touch the lives of even the most difficult persons.
Kanhaji, please protect everyone dear to me and everyone reading this blog. You know how easy it is to find friends and allies in the most unexpected of places. Kanhaji, thank You for that.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kanhaji, You always send Yourself to me

Kanhaji, many times in life I didnt realize that You were around me in different ways. This time I actually did realize that You sent Yourself to me - You watched over me, You protected me and You cared about me. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for doing that. I have never felt more sure that You are working all around me than I do now. Little things have changed so much in my life - its hard to explain to other people how protected I feel at all times.
Thank You for that Kanhaji and thank You for being in my life. Please help me to show others how important You are to us all.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kanhaji, I want You near me

I want You near me all the time. I want You with me all the time. Sometimes I have to do scary things and I need You with me, sometimes I experience happy things and I want to tell You about it. Sometimes I need to talk to You because I love You. Thank You for Your presence in my life. Thank You for helping me to realize that I can talk to You and worship You whenever I want, wherever I want and I dont have to be afraid to do so.
Kanhaji, please help me to help others to realize how great Your power is in our lives. How amazing it is to feel like You are there all the time. Kanhaji, please help me to be a good person, someone that others can depend on, someone they can look to for guidance, love, hope, protection. Kanhaji, help me to be a good person and a kind person. Help me to find someone like You to spend the rest of my life with. Kanhaji, I have stopped worrying too much about these things because I know that in the end only the person You have chosen for me is the one I will be with, and it will only happen at the time You have chosen.
Kanhaji, please protect the people I love and care about and please help everyone reading this to realize that all it takes to be accepted by You is talking to You and worshiping You.
Jai Shri Krishna!