Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kanhaji shows me love

Love is all around us. We just dont see it all the time because we may be rushing to and from activities, we may not want to see it because we have just come out of a bad relationship and think that no one else deserves to be in love because we cant be in love. Love is all around us and its up to us to choose to fall in love. I say it like this because I have always found that there is only one flaw with the way that human beings feel emotions - and its also a strength actually - we find it so much easier to accept new love than to sever old love. Think about how happy we are when new people join our families - births, marriages, adoptions, friendships. We are always happy to accommodate new people in our midst. But, when anything bad happens and we have to sever ties with people - it hurts, even if the person wasn't directly related to us - we feel the loss of separation through divorce, friendships gone sour, loved ones gone on to the great beyond. We hurt, we cry, we feel depressed, and sad and upset and worried. But, we get over it eventually, in some way, yes, we do. Still, some semblance of the pain always remains.
I know that many of the great religions of the world preach the idea of forgiving and forgetting. The forgiving part is hard but its not as difficult as the forgetting. Forgetting is very difficult.
Kanhaji has helped me to learn to forgive many people for wrong things they've done to me. He has taught me to forgive myself for doing wrong things to others and to myself. He has taught me that sometimes forgetting is something you have to work at - you have to work on forgetting the pain that was caused, on forgetting the mistakes that you made because only then can you move on.
Jai Shri Krishna.

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