Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kanhaji makes difficult decisions easy

Kanhaji is always with me and He has the ability to make even the most difficult decisions easy. He has taught me to trust my instincts and only now have I realized that the instincts that I've been trusting really are His words impressed on my mind to help me. Kanhaji, thank You for being with me always. Thank You for helping me to learn life's lessons - the simple and the difficult. Thank You for guiding me to do the right thing always and thank You for helping me to be the person I am today.
Kanhaji, please help those around me who are not understanding that they need to trust You more. Who dont understand that it's important to be good to the people who care about us as people instead of taking them for granted. Kanhaji, thank You for Your love which I am not always able to understand at the moment but later, most of the time, I do recognize Your divine presence all around me - all the time, every single day. Thank You for filling me with a sense of self-preservation so that I can do things that make me happy and not make things difficult for me.
Thank You for helping me to see that a certain sense of self is important because sometimes total selflessness breeds resentment which only leads to negativity in the long run and none of that is good.
Please take care of those I love and care about now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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