Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kanhaji opens my eyes

Sometimes we dont want to admit that certain things are happening in our lives - that certain changes are taking place, more quickly than we would have liked. Kanhaji guides us when things get to be too much for us. He helps us to face the reality in time to stop our complete downfall. Kanhaji is the one we must always trust. Kanhaji is the one I love - now and always.
I know how hard I have to work to achieve certain things - everything in life worth getting requires hard work! I know how hard Kanhaji wants me to work and how much He is supporting me. He is the one I can always turn to when things get difficult and He will always guide me out of the difficulty into the light away from the darkness. Kanhaji is the one I trust - now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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