Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kanhaji teaches me life's lessons

Sometimes we get sick - not very badly ill but sick enough so that we start putting things in perspective - how we live our lives, how we treat the people we love, how we treat strangers, how we treat God, how we treat food and blessings and work. Getting a mild illness makes us feel weak, miserable, sad, unable to help ourselves, like we should be pampered. But, I think what getting this illness has done for me the most is its made me realize that the most important things arent about partying, having fun 24/7 or working all the time either. Life is about balance and sometimes your body gets sick to wake up your mind to the idea that you should rest a little - give your body some time to collect itself, to recuperate, to be whole again.
Kanhaji, thank You for being with me throughout the worst of this. It really was very bad sometimes and You stood by me right through. I think I need to rest some more but I'll see how I feel tomorrow and then I'll know if I can do the things I planned.
Thank You for helping me to feel better today.
Jai Shri Krishna.

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